"IBUKI & IBUKI2"The Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite
Information of two-layer concentrations of CO2, CH4, CH4, SIF in the troposphere using GOSAT SWIR and TIR bands spectra.
★EORC Daily Partial Column GHGs(V03)Information of the inter-comparison of spectral radiance / brightness temperature and GHGs between high spectral resolution GHGs sensors.
Match up viewerDaily Observation Maps of TANSO-FTS, TANSO-FTS-2, TANSO-CAI, TANSO-CAI-2 are posted.
・TANSO-FTS Observation Map(GOSAT)GOSAT-2 (IBUKI-2) TANSO-FTS-2 Temporary Observation Suspension
GOSAT-2 (IBUKI-2) TANSO-FTS-2 Temporary Observation Suspension Delivery of the products of Thermal And Near Infrared Sensor for carbon Observation - Fourier Transform Spectrometer-2 (FTS-2) and Cloud and Aerosol Imager-2 (CAI-2) mounted on Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite-2 (GOSAT-2) has been suspended since 22:18 on February 11, 2025 (UTC).
Also, the FTS-2 observation has been suspended since 14:29 on February 12, 2025 (UTC).
Currently, JAXA is investigating the cause of this event while taking necessary measures.
Release of Match up viewer with high spectral resolution GHG sensor spectra and GHG (CO2, CH4, etc.) intercomparison information.
GOSAT-2/FTS-2 Observation Resumed
GOSAT-2/FTS-2 resumed its observations on December 25, 2024, which had been suspended since December 21, 2024, at 06:28:30 (UTC).
Data missing period: 2024/12/21 06:26:05 - 2024/12/25 00:51:57 (UTC)
GOSAT-2 (IBUKI-2) TANSO-FTS-2 Temporary Observation Suspension
Thermal And Near Infrared Sensor for carbon Observation - Fourier Transform Spectrometer-2 (FTS-2) mounted on Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite-2 (GOSAT-2) shifted its mode to Diagnostic Mode at 06:28:30 on December 21st, 2024 (UTC) and has suspended its observation.
Also, this leads to the release suspension on the product after 06:15 on December 21st, 2024.
Currently, JAXA is investigating the cause of this event while taking necessary measures.
As soon as more information becomes available, JAXA will release it on the website.
Note : Diagnostic Mode is the mode before shifting to the observation mode, categorized into the observation standby mode.
Tour of “GOBLEU Project” by IPCC Seventh Assessment Report Bureau Members
GOSAT-2/FTS-2 Observation Resumed
GOSAT-2/FTS-2 resumed its observations on September 25, 2024, which had been suspended since September 19, 2024.
Data missing period: 2024/9/19 UT14:43:25 ~ 2024/9/25 UT00:37:20
We are sorry to cancel all observations for this period.
Thank you for your understanding for this issue.
GOSAT-2 (IBUKI-2) TANSO-FTS-2 Temporary Observation Suspension
Thermal And Near Infrared Sensor for carbon Observation - Fourier Transform Spectrometer-2 (FTS-2) mounted on Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite-2 (GOSAT-2) shifted its mode to Diagnostic Mode at around 11:43 p.m. on September 19th, 2024 (JST) and has suspended its observation. Also, this leads to the release suspension on the product after 11:21 p.m. on September 19th, 2024.
Currently, JAXA is investigating the cause of this event while taking necessary measures. As soon as more information becomes available, JAXA will release it on the website.
Note : Diagnostic Mode is the mode before shifting to the observation mode, categorized into the observation standby mode.
<GOSAT TANSO-FTS special operation to investigate the backside diffuser rotation issue (July 22-26, 2024)>
We would like to inform you that GOSAT TANSO-FTS special operations were held from July 22 to 26, 2024 to investigate the backside diffuser rotation issue.
TANSO-FTS was operated entirely by grid observations. Target observations were cancelled during the period.
TANSO-FTS and CAI observations were suspended during the following periods:
2024/07/23 04:35:58 - 2024/07/23 05:37:13 UT
2024/07/23 10:49:57 - 2024/07/23 12:10:15 UT
2024/07/24 05:29:57 - 2024/07/24 06:10:14 UT
2024/07/24 10:14:54 - 2024/07/24 11:04:47 UT
2024/07/25 04:24:57 - 2024/07/25 05:04:51 UT
2024/07/25 05:59:54 - 2024/07/25 06:20:31 UT
2024/07/25 17:29:56 - 2024/07/25 18:29:11 UT
2024/07/25 19:00:58 - 2024/07/25 19:20:31 UT
2024/07/26 03:34:55 - 2024/07/26 04:18:16 UT
2024/07/26 04:49:54 - 2024/07/26 05:56:27 UT
2024/07/26 06:29:56 - 2024/07/26 06:50:32 UT
Thank you for your understanding.
Important notice for the termination of the GOSAT-2 maneuver operation
The GOSAT-2 maneuver operation from 10th May 2024 was finished and the TANSO-FTS-2 restarted observing at 00:05:45 on 7th June 2024 (UT).
We also inform you that the observation of TANSO-CAI-2 has been suspended for the following period.
[Period of Suspended FTS-2 Observation]
2024/05/10 UT00:09:32 - 2024/06/07 UT00:05:44
[Period of Suspended CAI-2 Observation]
2024/05/10 UT00:10:29 - 2024/05/10 UT04:11:23
2024/05/12 UT23:21:29 - 2024/05/13 UT06:40:54
2024/05/16 UT00:10:02 - 2024/05/16 UT04:10:52
2024/05/19 UT00:58:19 - 2024/05/19 UT04:59:09
2024/05/22 UT00:09:40 - 2024/05/22 UT04:10:32
2024/05/24 UT23:20:47 - 2024/05/25 UT04:58:47
2024/05/30 UT02:18:42 - 2024/05/30 UT06:19:37
2024/06/06 UT02:34:26 - 2024/06/06 UT06:35:21
Important notice for the temporary observation stop of TANSO-FTS-2 for the GOSAT-2 maneuver operation (May 10 - Early June, 2024)
We would like to inform you that the GOSAT-2 maneuver operation is scheduled for the following period:
May 10 - early June, 2024 (UT)
All FTS-2 observation will be cancelled during the period. CAI-2 observation will be also suspended temporarily. Normal GOSAT-2 observation will re-start from early June.
Thank you for your understanding for this issue. We will inform users again when we know more details.
Note on the Level 1 product for GOSAT TANSO-FTS TIR users
There is a possibility that the GOSAT L1B TIR spectrum product may contain data with high temperature radiance values at a frequency of approximately 0.02%. To confirm the presence of such high temperature regions, one can examine the radiance temperature within the window region of 900cm^-1±10cm^-1, where temperatures in the range of several thousand Kelvin can be observed. It is recommended to avoid using products that exhibit such occurrences.
Due to system maintenance, web updates will stop on the following dates.
2024/02/22 10:00JST(01:00UTC) - 2024/02/26 10:00JST(01:00UTC)
Please also note that access will not be available on February 26, 2024 from 10:00(01:00UTC)to 15:00JST(06:00UTC).
Quality of solar irradiance calibration data acquired on Jan 25, 2024.
Release of EORC Daily Partial Column GHGs (GOSAT / GOSAT-2 V03).
Release of GOSAT-2 Monthly Global Map of the CO2/CH4.
GHGs Trend Viewer NIES FTS L2 V03.05
Release of Level2 / Level1 Ratio in number of products
Release of Monthly Global Map of the CO2/CH4.
Release of these pages.
・GHGs Trend Viewer-Partial Column GOSAT (V03)
・GHGs Trend Viewer-Partial Column GOSAT-2 (V03)
・EORC Monthly Global GHGs Map (GOSAT V03 / GOSAT-2 V03)
<Temporal observation suspension and restart of TANSO-FTS/CAI for GOSAT inclination control maneuver and a solar eclipse from the GOSAT orbit>
GOSAT TANSO-FTS and CAI was operated as follows.
*2023/04/06 - 2023/05/12: Inclination control maneuver
*2023/04/20: Solar eclipse from the GOSAT orbit
During the periods above, All TANSO-FTS observations and some TANSO-CAI observations was suspended.
"JAXA Feel Earth Project GOSAT Earth's CO2 observed by the GOSAT satellite." was published on YouTube.
"Examining partial-column density retrieval of lower-tropospheric CO2 from GOSAT target observations over global megacities" was published .
Release of GOSAT target observation cities.
Release of EORC Daily Partial Column GHGs (GOSAT V02).
Release of EORC Monthly Global GHGs Map (GOSAT V02).
Release of GHGs Trend Viewer-Partial Column(V02)
Release of Vicarious Calibration Portal for Space-borne GHGs Sensors.
Release of FTS Health Check.
Accelerated ZPD shift since Aug 24 and Recovery on Aug 26
Release of GHGs Trend Viewer -NIES V02.97[CO2] V02.95[CH4]-
Release of GOSAT-2 Operation Status page.
Release of The status of current satellite operation and Level1 product processing page.
Release of FTS-2 Health Check.
Release of these pages.
・TANSO-FTS-2 L1B Spectra saturation graph
・TANSO-FTS-2 L1B ZPD shift graph
GOSAT TANSO-CAI observed 12-year air pollution fluctuations in China.
GOSAT-2/TANSO-CAI-2 observed reducing air pollution in northern India.
Atmospheric component observation through joint research with ANA HD
Information disclosure regarding the first observation : ANA HD / JAXA EORC
Press release of JAXA and ANA launch Joint Research
Release of GOSAT/GOSAT-2 EORC Monthly Global GHGs Map
Release of GOSAT-2 observation information.
The forest fires in Australia from 2019 to 2020
Release of GHGs Trend Viewer -NIES V02.95-
Accelerated ZPD shift since May 31 and Recovery on June 18
Release of Earth Observation data analysis website related to COVID-19
⋅JAXA for Earth on COVID-19
⋅Earth Observing Dashboard
Update of GOSAT/GOSAT-2 EORC Daily Partial Column GHGs
Release of GOSAT-2 EORC Daily Partial Column GHGs
Update of GHGs Trend Viewer -Partial Column-
Update of GHGs Trend Viewer -Partial Column-
Release of GHGs Trend Viewer -ACOS L2 Standard B9r-
Long-term observation of greenhouse gasses in order to realize the Paris Agreement
Bicolor rivers of Amazon
Release of GHGs Trend Viewer -NIES V02.81-
Release of GHGs Trend Viewer -Partial Column-
Release of GHGs Trend Viewer -NIES V02.80-
Release of GOSAT CEOS-site Radiance
Forest fires of Tasmania Island
10th anniversary celebration for GOSAT!
Karman Cloud Vortices
November, 2018 the solar-paddle-rotation incident and TANSO Observation restart
Release of Local GHG Emission Source Sectors
Fuego volcano in Guatemala Eruption
2018 CDMS incident and restart
The ship tracks over the Atlantic Ocean
Eruption of Mt. Bezymianny on the Kamchatka Peninsula
Huge polynya of the Antarctic Ocean formed for the first time in 40 years
Update on GOSAT Score Map for Sampling Optimization
Update on the onboard calibration evaluation of TANSO-FTS(SWIR) graph
Update on the onboard calibration evaluation of TANSO-CAI
Release of GHGs Trend Viewer -NIES V02.72-
Update on the vicarious calibration evaluation of TANSO-CAI
Dust formed by Saddlebag Glacier
Release of GOSAT Score Map for Sampling Optimization
Movie "COP23 GOSAT promotion movie" has uploaded.
Update on the vicarious calibration evaluation of TANSO-CAI
Eruption of Mount Shinmoedake volcano
Release of GHGs Trend Viewer -RemoTeC-
Wildfire and air pollution in Oregon
NIES L3 animation has been updated.
solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) at selected target observation points is released from the GHGs trend viewer page.
Information about FTS geometric calibration has been updated.
Release of GHGs Trend Viewer
Area variation of Lake Tonlé Sap (Cambodia)
Controlled Burn and Air Pollution in India
TANSO-FTS L3 & L4B product animation has uploaded.
Lake Urmia (Iran) reddening and shrinking
Wildfire in California
Forest fire in Fort McMurray, Canada
Movie "Carbon dioxide and methane observation pattern from space by GOSAT" has uploaded.
EORC GOSAT web site has been redesigned.
Rinjani volcano (Indonesia) eruption on November, 2015
Smoke hazard by large-scale wildfires in Indonesia
A volcano on Kuchinoerabu Island, Kagoshima Prefecture eruption on May, 2015
Mt. Calbuco eruption on April, 2015
Mt. Aso eruption on November, 2014
Mt. Onatake eruption on September, 2014
OCO-2 spacecraft observed "First Light" over Papua New Guinea.
Flood in Balkan
Sakurajima volcano eruption on May, 2014
Mt. Kelud eruption in Java Island in 2014
Pine glacier in Antarctica
Hyblid eclipse
Typhoon 「Haiyan」
The big forest fire near Yosemite National Park
Sakurajima volcano eruption
Cyclone「Mahasen」in Bangladesh
Flood in Thailand