NewsA volcano on Kuchinoerabu Island, Kagoshima Prefecture eruption

GOSAT observed volcanic smoke erupted from Mt. Shindake on Kuchinoerabu Island, Kagoshima Prefecture at 13:25 on May 29, 2015. In pseudo-color image, the volcano smoke is colored by yellow. Mt. Shindake erupted explosively and its volcanic smoke rose up to about 9000m high at 9:59 on that day.

After three and a half hours from eruption (13:25), the volcanic smoke reached the Tanegashima Island, which is about 120 km southeast away from Mt. Shindake (as shown in the yellow circle).

In comparison of images of May 26 and June 1, it was clear that the area from Mt. Shindake crater to northwestern across Mukaiehama and west across the coast had changed the surface caused by pyroclastic flows.

※The TANSO-CAI image was composed of band2 (674nm) in red, band3 (870nm) in green and band1 (380nm) in blue.

May. 26, 2015
May. 26, 2015

May. 26, 2015

May. 29, 2015
May. 29, 2015

May. 29, 2015

Jun. 1, 2015
Jun. 1, 2015

Jun. 1, 2015

参考資料: 福岡管区気象台 火山監視・情報センター 鹿児島地方気象台 口永良部島の火山活動解説資料

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