An L-band SAR mission achieving wide swath observation with high resolution, as successor of "DAICHI-2" (ALOS-2). In operation since 2024.
An optical mission achieving high resolution observation with wide swath, as successor of optical mission of "DAICHI" (ALOS). The launch failed on Mar. 7, 2023.
Follow-on mission of L-band SAR from "DAICHI" (ALOS), which contributes for a variety of purposes, including disaster monitoring, forest distribution, and analysis of crustal movement. In operation since 2014.
This project aimed to contribute various earth observation field as mapping, disaster monitoring, and resource surveying in global.
The first satellite in Japan equipped with L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and stereoscopic optical instrument and observed global land area for various purposes.
Global 25m-resolution mosaics using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2, ALOS PALSAR, and JERS-1 SAR images and global forest/non-forest maps.
The reference dataset for the "ALOS Kyoto and Carbon Initiative Project".
The precise global digital 3D map using ALOS PRISM. Version 3.2 of the global 30m-mesh digital surface model (DSM) is freely available.
High-resolution land cover classification map dataset for Japan and Vietnam. Three temporal datasets are available for the Japan region.
The Global Mangrove Watch (GMW) was established in 2011 under JAXA's Kyoto & Carbon Initiative.
JJ-FAST is a web-based system using JAXA’s ALOS-2 to monitor tropical forests every 1.5 months and release deforestation data, even in the rainy season.
Ortho-rectified image products of ALOS/AVNIR-2 for the Japan region.
Monitoring the north and south polar regions using PALSAR for contributing "International Polar Year".
Glacial lake inventory dataset of Bhutan using AVNIR-2 and PRISM.
ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 scene-by-scene product with ortho-rectification and radiometric terrain correction.