Data and Service Updates
The topics page has been added
The topics page has been added, providing stories related to the AMSR series.
AMSR Viewer now supports Arctic and Antarctic projections
The AMSR Earth Environment Viewer (AMSR Viewer) now supports projections for the Arctic and Antarctic regions in addition to the global projection.
You can select this function from the "Display date/projection switching/slideshow" menu at the top center of the page.
For detailed operation instructions, please see the User Guide.
Snow depth in AMSR Viewer has been updated.
Snow depth used in the AMSR Earth Environment Viewer has been changed from the standard product to the research product.
The research product is created for only the descending orbit using an algorithm currently being developed for AMSR3.
GCOM-W/AMSR2 Sea Ice Motion Vector Product (Y) Version 2.0 Released.
AMSR2 research products are being distributed on the GCOM-W research product providing service website.
AMSR-E brightness temperature (TB) level 3 (daily and monthly) products Version 4.401.401 are released
Correction of overlap scan removal processing
Please refer to here for the details of TB products Ver.4.401.401.
※ These will be sequentially released from June 11, 2024
The mission mark and logo for GOSAT-GW are designed.
The GOSAT-GW*1 mission aims to observe global greenhouse gases and the water cycle using TANSO-3*2 and AMSR3*3. The mission mark is decorated with symbols of the natural environment and the water cycle to provide a view of the research fields that the mission contributes to.
*1: GOSAT-GW: Global Observing SATellite for Greenhouse gases and Water cycle
*2: TANSO-3: Total Anthropogenic and Natural emissions mapping SpectrOmeter-3
*3: AMSR3: Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 3
GCOM-W/AMSR2 SST Ver. 4.411.411 products released.
JAXA has started to provide version 4.411.411 products of GCOM-W/AMSR2 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) on Apr. 17, 2024.
Please refer to the Release Note of the Product information/operation for the details of the minor version update.
The AMSR2 new research product "Thin Ice Thickness" and "Soil Moisture Content (SMC) and Vegetation Water Content (VWC) based on the Land Data Assimilation Methodology" was released.
Furthermore, Snow Depth (Research Product), which distribution had been stopped, has been re-released.
AMSR2 research product are being distributed on the GCOM-W Research Product Distribution Service website.
Updates on Earth, Quick Report
Updates on Earth, Quick Report
The provision of GCOM-W/AMSR2 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Version 4.411.411(Ver. 4.11)
Missed GCOM-W sea surface temperature products during August-September 2023 are available as version 4.411.411 products.
Please refer to the Release Note of the Product information/operation for the details.
"Sea Ice Distribution in the Sea of Okhotsk" has opened.
In addition to AMER2 and SGLI images, VIIRS images have been released since the 2023/2024 winter season.
GMI sea ice concentration provision has been terminated due to the altitude change of GPM primary satellite.
GCOM-W/AMSR2 SIM(R) Version 1.101.101(Ver. 1.01) Released.
JAXA made a minor version update of SIM(R) products because the incorrect data of eastward and northward components (Geophysical Data EN) was stored in Ver. 1.00 pro cuts due to problems in converting to an HDF format.
Please kindly use Ver. 1.01 products started to be provided on Nov. 13, 2023.
The validation results provided on the AMSRs web were not influenced by the problems.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
GCOM-W/AMSR2 Detection of Thin Sea Ice product (TSI) Product Version 1.110.110 (Ver. 1.1) Released.
JAXA makes minor version update and has started to provide Ver. 1.1 products of Detection of Thin Sea Ice product (TSI) of GCOM-W/AMSR2 on Aug. 1, 2023. Please refer to the Release Note of the Product information/operation for the details.
GCOM-W/AMSR2 Detection of Thin Sea Ice product (TSI) Product Version 1.110.110 (Ver. 1.1) Released.
JAXA makes minor version update and has started to provide Ver. 1.1 products of Detection of Thin Sea Ice product (TSI) of GCOM-W/AMSR2 on Aug. 1, 2023. Please refer to the Release Note of the Product information/operation for the details.
New Capability of AMSR Viewer Released.
New capability of AMSR Earth Environment Viewer (AMSR Viewer) has been released to display temporal average and anomaly of geophysical data.
GCOM-W/AMSR2 PRC Product Version 3.310.310 (Ver. 3.1) Released.
JAXA makes minor version update and has started to provide Ver. 3.1 products of Precipitation (PRC) of GCOM-W/AMSR2 on Jul. 12, 2023. Please refer to the Release Note of the Product information/operation for the details.
GCOM-W/AMSR2 PRC Product Version 3 Released.
JAXA has started to provide version 3 products of precipitation (PRC) of GCOM-W/AMSR2 on Oct. 25th, 2022.
Please refer to the Release Note of the Product information/operation for the details of algorithm improvements.
Aqua/AMSR-E and GCOM-W/AMSR2 Land Research Products are newly released.
The following land research products are now available.
For details of each product, please refer to the overview of each product in the AMSR Data Catalog.
GCOM-W/AMSR2 Version 4.410.410 products of SST Released.
JAXA has started to provide version 4.410.410 products of sea surface temperature (SST) of GCOM-W/AMSR2 on Jul. 27th, 2022. Please refer to the Release Note of the Product information/operation for the details of algorithm improvements.
The Precipitation (PRC) Ver.3, which was scheduled to be provided on the same day, has been postponed. We will notify you when PRC Ver.3 is provided.
We apologize for any inconvenience
The Global Change Observation Satellite - Water (GCOM-W), which was launched at 1:39 JST on May 18 (16:39 UTC on May 17), 2012, has achieved its 10-year anniversary today. Both the GCOM-W satellite and on-board instrument, AMSR2, continues operation in healthy condition after designed mission life of 5-year.
We are currently working on preparation for successor mission, the GOSAT-GW satellite, to be launched in JFY 2023. Thank you for your past contributions and we hope your continuous supports to the AMSR series.
Update on the Earth
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Lowest Ever RecordedAMSR2 research product are being distributed on the GCOM-W Research Product Distribution Service website.
The AMSR2 new research product "High-resolution Sea Ice Concentration" was released.
AMSR2 research products are being distributed on the GCOM-W Research Product Distribution Service website.
We will release the new version (Ver.4.0) of the following AMSR2 products on October 13, 2020.
Sea Surface Temperature (SST),
10GHz Sea Surface Temperature (10GHz SST),
Multi-band Sea Surface Temperature (Multi-band SST),
Sea Surface Wind Speed (SSW)
Updates on the Earth
AMSR Viewer was released.
AMSR Earth Environment Viewer (AMSR Viewer) is a display system for a global earth observation data observed by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) series consisting of GCOM-W/AMSR2 and Aqua/AMSR-E. The AMSR Viewer provides daily images of observation data (brightness temperature) and estimated geophysical data since June 2002.
Arctic Sea Ice Extent Reaches Annual Minimum on September 17
The AMSR2 new research product "Total Precipitable Water over Land and Detection of Detection of Thin Sea Ice" were released AMSR2 research products are being distributed on the GCOM-W research product providing service website.
GCOM-C/SGLI images were released at "Sea Ice Distribution in the Sea of Okhotsk"
The AMSR2 new research product "Land Surface Temperature" was released
- AMSR2 research products are being distributed on the GCOM-W research product providing service website.
The new version of AMSR2 research product "All-weather Sea Surface Wind Speed" was released
- AMSR2 research products are being distributed on the GCOM-W research product providing service website.
We will release the new version (Ver.3.0) of the following AMSR2 products on March 1, 2017.
Sea Surface Temperature (SST), Sea Surface Wind Speed (SSW), Sea Ice Concentration (SIC), Soil Moisture Content (SMC)
Update on Earth: Preliminary report: smallest sea ice extent on Earth in recorded history (Japanese only)
We will release the new version (Ver.2.2) of AMSR2 Brightness Temperature products on August 23, 2016.
This version update will not influence on the accuracy of products because the retrieval algorithm itself is not changed. Regarding the old version products, JAXA is going to reprocess and provide them in sequence.
AMSR2 research product "All-weather Sea Surface Wind Speed" acquired during the initial check out phase (July 3 to July 23, 2012) is now open to public.
AMSR2 research products are being distributed on the GCOM-W research product providing service website.
Update on Earth: Greenland Ice Sheet Spring Melting (Japanese only)
The validation results of the AMSR2 research product ["All-weather Sea surface Wind Speed" and the "10GHz (High-resolution) Sea Surface Temperature"] were released. You can get them.
AMSR2 research product "All-weather Sea Surface Wind Speed" product is now open to public.
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) using GMI 10GHz
SST products using the 10 GHz channel of the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) onboard the GPM core satellite are now available.
"Sea Ice Distribution in the sea of Okhotsk" website has been re-opened.
GCOM-W Validation Website has been opened.
El Niño watch website has been updated.
We have been monitoring El Niño using WindSat since the AMSR-E observation was stopped, but we have replaced the data since July 24, 2012 with AMSR2 observation data.
GPM/DPR images added to "JAXA Tropical Cyclone Monitoring" website
Precipitation images of typhoons and hurricanes observed by the GPM/DPR have been added to JAXA's Tropical Cyclone Monitoring.
GCOM-W product information (AMSR2 Version 1.1) has been update.
AMSR-E TB in slow rotation mode
AMSR-E TB data in slow rotation mode has been update.
"Results of intercalibration between AMSR2 and TMI/AMSR-E (AMSR2 Version 1.1" has been updated.
Tropical Cyclone Database。has been started.
AMSR-E L1S product "TB in slow rotation mode" has been released.
AMSR-E automatically stopped observations and rotation on October 4, 2011 (UTC) due to increased rotational friction. Since then, NASA and JAXA have been analyzing the situation and searching for a way to resume AMSR-E's observations. On December 4, 2012 (UTC), AMSR-E resumed rotation and observations at low speed (2 revolutions per minute). This data is useful for users who cross-calibrate AMSR-E with other radiometers and for users who try to study the new features of the slow rotation. This data is not a standard product of JAXA. For general users, AMSR2 standard products are available. Please refer to the following page for detail
"Data Users' Manual for AMSR2" has been updated.
AMSR2 images archive (period: 20121001-20130331) was uploaded.
AMSR-E Poor Data List is now available.
"Product Information (Level 2, Version1.0)" was uploaded.
"Product Information (Level 1, Version1.1)" was uploaded.
"Observation area of AMSR2" was opened.
Due to algorithm version up corresponding to public data release of AMSR2 Level 1 product, distribution of AMSR2 Level 2 browse images has been stopped temporarily since 24 January 2013.
"JASMES daily for microwave" has been released.
AMSR Data Input Toolkit (ADIT) 3.00 is now available.
AMSR2 image was released.
"Image Gallery" was opened.
GCOM-W "SHIZUKU" onboard sensor (AMSR2) acquired observation data.
"El Niño Watch" site was reopened.
AMSR/AMSR-E products order by "GCOM-W Data Providing Service".
We have relaunched GCOM-W Web Site.
Home pages of TRMM and AMSR-E Tropical Cyclone Realtime Monitoring were consolidated.
"Sea Ice Distribution" site by AMSR-E and MODIS was released.
Web Site Renewal of the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) / Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E).
The web site of AMSR/GLI PI Workshop 2008 was opened.
"Arctic Sea Ice Monitor" is released.
Earth Observation Data Viewer v1.1 is released.
The service of WWW and FTP will not be available during April 13, 18:00 to April 16, 13:00 (JST).
The website of AMSR/GLI Workshop 2007 in Tsukuba was opened.
"Sea Ice Distribution" site by AMSR-E and MODIS was released.
The service of WWW and FTP will not be available during
- November 17, 15:00 to November 20, 15:00 (JST)
The AMSR-E El Niño datasets were updated to new version.
The changes are as follows:
- Use of the latest AMSR-E SST products version-4 by SHIBATA algorithm.
- Use of the SST climatological data calculated by JMA.
- Improvement of grid resolution from 0.5 degree to 0.25 degree."SST anomaly in the high latitude ocean of AMSR-E" site is released.
AMSR-E data now used in the Japan Meteorological Agency's global numerical weather prediction model.
New version of AMSR/AMSR-E products were released.
The web site of AMSR·AMSR-E/GLI Symposium 2006 in Tokyo was opened.
The web site of AMSR/AMSR-E PI Workshop in Tokyo was opened.
"Sea Ice Distribution" site by AMSR-E and MODIS was released. You can see the sea ice in the sea of Okhotsk.
Problem for the irregular values in missing data of Level 1B products was resolved.
"All-weather Ocean Wind Speed" of AMSR/AMSR-E site is released. You can see the near real-time state of ocean wind speed retrieved by new SSW algorithm, which can retrieve in good level even under the strong wind, heavy rain condition, such as a typhoon area.
Irregular values are included in missing data of level 1B products.
"Improving our Understanding of Climate Change -Observing our Water Planet using AMSR and AMSR-E-", a pamphlet summarizing outcomes of AMSR and AMSR-E, was released.
AMSR Data Input Toolkit (ADIT) 1.07 is now available. ADIT 1.07 is required to read the AMSR/AMSR-E products released on March 1, 2005.
"JAXA/EORC Tropical Cyclone Database" site was released, in which both AMSR/AMSR-E and TRMM pages were integrated.
"Sea Ice Distribution" site by AMSR-E and MODIS was released. You can see the sea ice in the sea of Okhotsk.
"Tropical Cyclones Database by AMSR/AMSR-E" site was released. Data of cyclones can be downloaded.
"El Niño Watch" of Aqua/AMSR-E site is released.
JMA started to use Aqua/AMSR-E data for their weather forecasts.
Deficit of 89GHz channel data (receiver A) has occurred.
The web site of ADEOS-II PI Workshop in Nagahama was opened.
"Kuroshio Monitor" of Aqua/AMSR-E site is released. You can see the daily states of Kuroshio, the Japan Current.
"Today's Images" of Aqua/AMSR-E site is released.
Seaice Flash site (Sea Ice Distribution in the Sea of Okhotsk) is closed.
New content "Data for Validation" added.
New version of higher level products and new products of AMSR-E has been released.
Seaice Flash site (Sea Ice Distribution in the Sea of Okhotsk) launched.
AMSR data has been released.
AMSR-E Higher Level products has been released.
Two products of "Level 3 Global Images", Precipitation and Sea Surface Wind are available.
Observation Schedule (PDF) updated.
AMSR-E data has been released.
Animation of a drifting giant iceberg around Antarctica added.
Variations of sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration around the South Pole observed by AMSR-E (Animation) added.
New content "Image Gallery" added.
The content "Gallery" renamed to "Gift Box".
AMSR-E High Resolution Images released.
AMSR First-light images added.
AMSR-E Level3 Global Images released.
El Niño Event Observed by AMSR-E added.
Earth soccer ball paper models created from images by AMSR-E added.
Gift BoxObservation Schedule (PDF) updated.
Calibration & Validation - Experimental PathAlgorithm Description added.
DocumentObservation images of Typhoon No.21 by AMSR-E and MODIS added.
TopicsAqua wins "Best of What's New Award" from Popular Science Magazine.
New content "Press Release" added.
Press Release