Research & Meetings

21th Science Team meeting - Announcement (Final)

Date: December 3 - 5, 2014 (Wed. - Fri.)

Venue: Kyoto Research Park (KRP)


December 3 (Wed.), 4 (Thu.), 5 (Fri.), 2014

December 3 (wed.), 2014
KRP Western Zone - Building 4, Room 2 (2nd floor)
K&C Phase 3 Result presentations pdf file
9:00-9:05 Welcome (Masanobu Shimada, JAXA EORC)
9:05-9:30 Introduction and Background for new Science Team members (Ake Rosenqvist, K&C Science Coordinator)
Science Team Phase 3 reports - Forestry (25+5 minutes)
9:30-9:55 ·Thuy Le Toan (CESBIO/France)
- Forest Cover Change and Biomass mapping in Vietnam and Cameroon using ALOS/PALSAR
9:55-10:20 ·Dirk Hoekman (Wageningen Univ./The Netherlands)
- Wide area forest monitoring in Insular SE-Asia and Guiana Shield
10:20-10:45 ·Francesco Holecz (sarmap/Switzerland)
- Synergetic use of multi-annual and seasonal multi-frequency spaceborne SAR data for land cover mapping at national scale and preliminary assessment of dual-frequency InSAR based forest height estimation
10:45-11:00 Coffee
Science Team Phase 3 reports - Forestry
11:00-11:25 ·Masanobu Shimada (JAXA EORC)
- New global forest/non-forest maps from ALOS PALSAR data (2007-2010)
11:25-11:50 ·Mari Trix Estomata & Jose Don De Alban (GIZ & FFI/The Philippines)
- Forest Cover Classification and Change Detection Analysis Using ALOS PALSAR Mosaic Data to Support the Establishment of a Pilot MRV System for REDD-Plus on Leyte Island
11:50-12:15 ·Hamdan Omar (FRIM/Malaysia)
- Aboveground Biomass Mapping and Changes Monitoring in the Forests of Peninsular Malaysia Using L-Band ALOS PALSAR and JERS-1
12:15-13:30 LUNCH
Science Team Phase 3 reports - Forestry
13:30-13:55 ·Renaud Mathieu (CSIR/South Africa)
- Woody Structural Modelling in Southern African Savannahs using Multi-frequency SAR and Optical Integrated Data Approaches: One step to regional mapping
13:55-14:20 ·John Armston (AusCover-TERN/Australia)
- Forest and Woodland Structure and Biomass Assessment, Australia
14:20-14:45 ·Masaki Kawai (on behalf of J. Macuacua, Mozambique)
- Establishment of Sustainable Forest Resource Information Platform for Monitoring REDD+
14:45-15:10 ·Johan Fransson (SLU/Sweden)
- Advances in forestry applications in Sweden using ALOS PALSAR
15:10-15:30 Coffee
Science Team Phase 3 reports - Forestry
15:30-15:55 ·Maurizio Santoro (Gamma RS/Switzerland)
- Coupling radar-based estimates of forest information with biosphere models for improved carbon flux estimation
15:55-16:20 ·Christian Thiel (FSU-Jena/Germany)
- PALSAR Intensities, Coherence and Polarimetric Parameters for the Delineation of Forest Cover and Forest Cover Change and Growing Stock Volume over Central Siberia
16:20-16:45 ·Paul Siqueira (Univ. Mass/USA)
- Combined Use of SAR, InSAR and Lidar for Measuring Forest Biomass and Structure in the Northeastern US
16:45-17:10 ·Rajesh Thapa (JAXA EORC)
- Deforestation trend and future outlook of forest carbon stocks in tropical forests using ALOS-PALSAR mosaic data
~17:10 Adjourn
December 4 (Thu.), 2014
KRP Western Zone - Building 4, Room 1 (B1 floor)
K&C Phase 3 Result presentations pdf file
Science Team Phase 3 reports - Forestry
9:00-9:25 ·Takeshi Motohka (JAXA EORC)
- Using time-series PALSAR data for detection of deforestation in Riau, Indonesia
9:25-9:50 ·Edson Sano (IBAMA/Brazil)
- INDICAR: a Radar-based System for Indication of New Deforested Areas
9:50-10:15 ·Nathan Torbick (AGS/USA)
- Mapping agricultural and forested landscapes to support food security and carbon cycle science
10:15-10:40 ·Manabu Watanabe (JAXA EORC)
- Measurement for L-band SAR signal extinction in a forest canopy
10:40-11:00 Coffee
11:00-11:25 ALOS World 3D (Takeo Tadono, JAXA/Japan)
Science Team reports - Wetlands (25+5 minutes)
11:25-11:50 ·Tony Milne (Horizon/Australia)
- Using multi-temporal ALOS PALSAR to investigate flood dynamics in semi-arid wetlands: Murray Darling Basin, Australia
11:50-12:15 ·Carlos Pedraza (TNC/Colombia)
- Magdalena Basin, Colombia Flood Frequency and Vegetation Types Analysis
12:15-13:30 LUNCH
Science Team reports - Wetlands
13:30-13:55 ·Bruce Chapman (Caltech-JPL/USA)
- Mapping inundation in the Amazon by ScanSAR mosaic data
13:55-14:20 ·Richard Lucas (UNSW/Australia) & Ake Rosenqvist (soloEO/Japan)
- The Global Mangrove Watch - Phase 3 results with JERS-1 and ALOS & plans for Phase 4
External reports
14:20-14:45 ·Marcela Quiñonez & Carlos Florez (SarVision/NL & Humboldt Inst. Colombia)
- Wetlands mapping and biodiversity studies in Colombia
14:45-15:05 ·James Wheeler (U. Leicester, U.K.)
- Deriving forest maps and products from the K&C Initiative mosaics
15:05-15:45 Coffee
New Science Team members - Plans for Phase 4
15:45-16:05 ·Yumiko Uryu (WWF/Indonesia)
- Identifying industrial go and no-go zones and monitor industrial practices through PALSAR-based land cover and carbon stock mapping in Sumatra and Borneo
16:05-16:25 ·João Carreiras (U. Sheffield/U.K.)
- Measuring above-ground biomass and its changes over Brazilian tropical secondary forests and savanna woodlands (Cerrado) using L-band SAR data
16:25-17:00 ·Bernd Scheuchl (UCI/USA)
- Ice Sheet Monitoring using ALOS-2
17:00-17:20 ·Thuy Le Toan (for Shin-ichi Sobue, RESTEC)
- Asia-RiCE: Rice Crop Estimation and Monitoring
17:30 Reception dinner logistics information
~17:40 Adjourn
19:00-21:00 Reception dinner
December 5 (Fri.), 2014
KRP Western Zone - Building 4, Room 1 (B1 floor)
K&C Phase 4 Kick-off pdf file
9:30-9:45 K&C Phase introduction (Ake Rosenqvist)
9:45-10:15 ALOS-2 characteristics, Cal/Val results and operational status (Masanobu Shimada, JAXA EORC)
10:15-10:25 ALOS-2 Systematic Observation Strategy (Ake Rosenqvist)
10:25-10:30 JAXA 25m global mosaics (Ake Rosenqvist)
EORC data processing and ground data collection
10:30-10:45 PALSAR-2 processing & capacity issues (Masanobu Shimada)
10:45-11:00 JAXA collection of ground data from K&C Science Teams (Takeshi Motohka, JAXA EORC)
11:00-11:15 JAXA ground data collection system (Takeo Tadono, JAXA EORC)
11:15-11:30 Coffee
PALSAR-2 data distribution procedures
11:30-11:45 PALSAR-2 mosaics and path image request procedures and EORC product transfer procedures (Keiko Ishii, RESTEC)
11:45-12:00 Full resolution data through AUIG2 (Takuya Itoh, RESTEC)
12:00 Open floor discussions, Q&A
~13:00 Closing of the KC#21 Science Team meeting
ALOS K&C 21th Science Advisory Panel / Science Team Meeting Participants