Agenda of 4th SAFE Workshop - 22 and 23 May 2012
< Last Update: 04 Jun. 2012 >
Mr. Joe Andrew (DIISR)
Dr. Shinichi Sobue (JAXA)
Day-1: SAFE WS (22 May 2012)
Time | Agenda Item(s) |
9:00-10:00 | Pre-Review Board Meeting (Closed Meeting)
10:00-10:30 | Registration |
Welcome and Opening Remarks | |
10:30-10:50 |
10:50-11:00 |
11:00-11:15 |
Presentation on new prototype proposals | |
11:15-12:30 Each 15mins |
1. "Water and Food Security under the Climate Change in the Western Cambodia" So Im Monichoth, Department Of Meteorology (DOM), Ministry Of Water Resources And Meteorology (MOWRAM) |
11:15-12:15 Skype |
2. "The use of satellite remote sensing for paddy production estimation for strengthening food security to deal with climate change in Indonesia"(Tentative) Rizatus Shofiyari, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Land Resources Reserch and Development (ICALRD), IAARD - MOA |
3. "USE OF HIGH RESOLUTION SATELLITE IMAGERY FOR GLACIER CHANGE DETECTION IN WESTERN MONGOLIA" ERDENETUYA Magsar (PhD), Environmental Information Center/National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC) of Mongolia |
12:45-13:45 | Lunch |
Presentation on new prototype proposals (Cont.) | |
4 "Assessment of Morphological Changes in the Meghna Estuary of Bangladesh" Md. Sohel Rana, Remote Sensing and GIS Unit, LGED, Dhaka |
On-going Prototype Report | |
13:45-15:00 Each 25 mins |
Dr. Rasul Ghulam, PMD @Skype |
14:15-14:45 Skype |
Dr. Ishikawa on behalf of Dr. Phutchapol Suvanachai, Department of Fisheries |
Mr. Jagath Rajapaksha, NARA |
15:00-15:30 | Coffee Break, Review Board meeting |
15:30-16:20 |
Mr. Dien Tien Vu, FIPI |
Mr. Ajith Gunawardena, Ast. Director, Geo-Informatics Unit Central Environmental Authority |
16:20- |
Review board meeting report (Co-chairs) |
16:50 |
Wrap-up SAFE workshop (Co-chair) |
16:50 - 17:00 | (Group Photo) Adjourn |
Day-2: SAFE WS (23 May 2012)
Time | Agenda Item(s) |
10:00-10:30 | Registration & Coffee |
Opening of the session | |
9:00 |
Special Session conducted by Australian organizer | |
Each 15mins | Theme: Earth observation activities in Australia |
9:20-10:10 |
Dr. Waqar Ahmad (Principal Research Scientist and Group Leader in Spatial Informatics; CSIRO Centre for Environment and Life Sciences) |
Cindy Ong (CSIRO Earth Science & Resource Engineering) |
Professor Mervyn Lynch (Remote Sensing & Satellite Research, Curtin University) |
10:10-10:30 | Morning Tea |
10:30-11-20 |
Dr Peter Caccetta (Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences, Mapping and Monitoring Research Group) |
Dr Matthew Adams (Satellite Remote Sensing Services, Landgate) |
Jack Scott (Thales Australia) |
Concluding Session | |
11:20 |
So Im Monichoth, Department Of Meteorology (DOM), Ministry Of Water Resources And Meteorology (MOWRAM)
12:10 |
Dr. Michael Green, General manager, DIISR |
- PM of Day-2: Technical Tour
- Day-3 and Day-4: Climate R3 Workshop