SAFE Terms of Reference (TOR)

< Last Update: 27 Mar. 2020 >


The participants of Space Application for Environment (SAFE) Workshop,

Recalling the spirit of the recommendations of the Fifteenth Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-15) held in Hanoi, Vietnam,

Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-15) held in Hanoi, Vietnam,

Recognizing the vital role of space technologies for environmental monitoring, including studies of climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as other environment related practical applications,

Confirming SAFE as one of APRSAF voluntary initiatives,

Recognizing the importance of the sustainable implementation and deployment of SAFE initiatives,

Noting 10 years’ outputs and outcomes from 26 SAFE prototypes in 13 countries,

Noting also that the participants of the SAFE workshop on November 2017 in India agreed to formulate the SAFE TOR drafting team to revise SAFE TOR for SAFE evolution,

Have agreed on Terms of Reference (TOR) as follows;

Item 1 Purpose and objectives

The TOR defines the roles and responsibilities of participating bodies, the initiatives of SAFE and their operation schemes.

The aim of SAFE is to encourage environmental monitoring for climate change mitigation and adaptation studies, as well as studies on other forms of environment related practical applications for contribution to UN SDGs, Paris agreement and Sendai disaster framework, using space technologies for earth observation (satellite based remote sensing) and for global navigation (satellite positioning, navigation and timing). Also, integrated design with related technologies including IoT and GIS is encouraged.

Through its activities, SAFE also aims to contribute to international/regional organizations such as ASEAN, ESCAP and ADB.

Item 2 The roles and responsibilities of participating bodies

1. Space Agencies

Space Agencies listed in Appendix 1 are expected, on voluntary basis, to lead and sustain activities provided in Item 3 by supporting Implementing Agencies and Technical Supporters with their resources. These resources refer to space technologies such as satellite-based observation data, and data application know-how that are encouraged to be shared through training/capacity building. To take on their roles mentioned above, the functions of Space Agencies shall include operation of space facilities, utilization of satellite data, or others necessary for playing the roles of Space Agencies. The nomination to be included in Space Agencies under Appendix 1 is reviewed and approved by Executive Board.

2. Implementing Agencies

Implementing Agencies listed in Appendix 2 will propose and implement activities of SAFE Projects and/or SAFE Prototypes with the cooperation of Technical Supporters, Space Agencies and Related Partners.

3. Technical Supporters

Technical Supporters will support Implementing Agencies through sharing knowledge and information of their space technologies. Implementing Agencies may request assigning of Technical Supporters for SAFE Secretariat. Technical Supporters are not limited to academic institutes but can be non-academic researcher groups such as private sectors of related industries.

4. Related Partners

Related Partners may join in SAFE workshop with Implementing Agencies, Technical Supporters and Space Agencies to develop and enhance the collaborations with SAFE. Related Partners shall be identified in some groups depending on each institution’s nature.

5. Project Leader

Project Leader is selected from Implementing Agencies or Space Agencies. Project Leader will manage and coordinate all activities defined in work plan of SAFE Projects provided in Item 3, 2 with the support by Project Coordinator and SAFE Secretariat.

6. Project Coordinator

Project Coordinator(s) is/are selected from Implementing Agencies and/or Space Agencies. Project Coordinator(s) will organize logistics activities such as arranging and conducting meetings for smooth implementation and outreach of activities defined in work plan of SAFE Projects provided in Item 3, 2 with the management of Project Leader and the support by SAFE Secretariat.

7. Executive Board

Executive Board consists of members from Space Agencies, Technical Supporters and other related organizations playing vital roles in promoting and continuing SAFE Initiatives mentioned in Item 3 such as academia, end-users and funding agencies. The members are nominated by SAFE Secretariat and approved in coordination with Space Agencies and Technical Supporters before SAFE WS. Executive Board is expected to provide recommendations to SAFE Secretariat about approving new proposals and requests for termination or suspension of SAFE Prototypes /Projects and other related issues.

8. SAFE Secretariat

SAFE Secretariat shall be managed by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in cooperation with Executive Board and shall coordinate all activities in the initiatives. SAFE Secretariat shall maintain and regularly update Appendix 1 and 2.

Item 3 Activities in the initiatives

1. SAFE Prototypes

  • The aim of SAFE Prototypes is to apply a Proof of Concept (PoC) to realize the purpose of SAFE initiatives. The work items of SAFE Prototypes shall be focused on country-scale. Each of SAFE Prototypes shall be designed, proposed and implemented by one team which consists of Implementing Agencies and Technical Supporters. The procedure of the approval and activities’ monitoring shall be coordinated by SAFE Secretariat and Executive Board. Through its procedure, it is encouraged to implement the activities based on SAFE Project Design Matrix (PDM), which is developed at the initiation of its implementation, and regularly reviewed and updated after the progress report at each SAFE workshop and APRSAF as necessary in cooperation with the SAFE Secretariat and Technical Supporters.
  • Implementing Agencies participate and report the status and outcomes of activities of SAFE Prototypes to SAFE workshop and/or APRSAF including Space Application Working Group (SAWG) of APRSAF.
    SAFE Secretariat shall stimulate to transfer achievements of SAFE Prototypes to put into practice in an appropriate operational framework.
  • Implementing Agencies shall seek Related Partners to support their activities in resolving pertinent problems in cooperation with SAFE Secretariat.
  • Calling for new proposals of SAFE Prototypes will be announced by SAFE Secretariat generally before SAFE Workshop. Implementing Agencies respond to the request by submitting proposals.
  • If necessary, Implementing Agencies may request the termination or suspension of SAFE Prototypes to SAFE Secretariat. After receiving the request, SAFE Secretariat shall submit a report to Executive Board for review and recommendation.
    Following the recommendation of Executive Board, Implementing Agencies will be requested to compile a report on the progress and the issues which lead to the request of suspension or termination in cooperation with Technical Supporters to SAFE secretariat.
    Request for re-start to SAFE Secretariat could be made within the specified 2-year-period of the prototype with evidence to resolve the issues that lead to the suspension. SAFE Secretariat will assess the request and if necessary consult Executive Board about approving the continuation.
  • In case the operational and sustainable use of the end results are not ensured, the proposal can be submitted for "SAFE Follow-Up", extending for an additional 1 year subject to the approval based on criteria given in the following sub-sections.
  • The criteria for considering completing prototypes for follow up are as follows;
    • Clarifying of the action items that will be taken to operationalize the prototype during the extended period with reasons for the extension from the original plan,
    • Demonstration of a feasible and operational work plan for sustainable implementation of the prototype outcome/system independently or with Related Partners,
    • Submitting the request for follow-up to SAFE Secretariat before the end of 2 years period following the criteria outlined,
    • Reviewing of the proposal for follow-up by Executive Board and defining the proposal by Implementing Agencies in SAFE Workshop.
  • If the proposal for follow-up is approved by Executive Board, the completion, progress submission and reporting follow the same conditions of new proposals of SAFE Prototypes.

2. SAFE Projects

  • SAFE Projects aim to design, demonstrate and implement multilateral collaboration using results from SAFE Prototypes and/or ongoing other projects of Implementing Agencies. Each of SAFE Projects shall be designed, proposed and implemented by a team including Project Leader and Project Coordinator provided in Item 2. The procedure of the approval and activities’ monitoring shall be coordinated by SAFE Secretariat. Executive Board shall evaluate the proposals and reports of implementations. SAFE Projects are also implemented based on comparable management methods for on-going other projects of Implementing Agencies.
  • Implementing Agencies participate and report the status and outcomes of the activities to SAFE workshop and/or APRSAF including SAWG of APRSAF.
  • Implementing Agencies shall seek Related Partners to support their activities in resolving pertinent problems in cooperation with SAFE Secretariat.
  • Calling for new proposals of SAFE Projects will be announced by SAFE secretariat generally before SAFE Workshop. Implementing Agencies respond to the request by submitting proposals. SAFE Secretariat shall support Implementing Agencies in making proposals and implementing SAFE Projects.

3. SAFE Workshop

SAFE workshop will be held at least once a year by SAFE Secretariat as an opportunity for status reports, the approval of SAFE Projects and/or SAFE Prototypes and dialogue with Related Partners. The host organizations, Space Agencies and Implementing Agencies are expected to make reasonable efforts to support and promote the SAFE Workshop activities.

4. Executive Board Meeting

SAFE Secretariat and Executive Board will hold Executive Board Meeting inviting high-level stakeholders relating implementation of SAFE Projects and/or SAFE Projects. In the meeting, Executive Board will make recommendations for SAFE Secretariat about the approval of new proposals, suspension and termination of SAFE Prototypes and/or SAFE Projects and evaluate the status of all activities.

5. Stakeholder Meeting

Implementing Agencies and SAFE Secretariat will hold Stakeholder Meeting inviting potential operational users for presenting and demonstrating each result of on-going SAFE Projects and/or SAFE Prototypes before the end of their periods.