Report of the SAFE Workshop in APRSAF-25, Singapore

< Last Update: Dec. 3, 2018 >

The SAFE Workshop in APRSAF-25 was successfully completed at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) on November 5, 2018. After the workshop, the result was reported to the Space Applications Working Group (SAWG) and the plenary session which was held continuously from November 6 to 9.

Report of the SAFE Workshop in APRSAF-25, Singapore (1)


Report of the SAFE Workshop in APRSAF-25, Singapore (2)


The workshop was led by co-chairs, Dr. Shinichi Sobue and Dr. Lal Samarakoon, JAXA. The total number of participants was 50 from several countries and regional organization.

The status of one on-going prototype and three follow-up activities was reported in the workshop. Also, SAFE future framework and evolution concept were discussed by SAFE TOR Writing Team (co-chaired by Dr. P. G. Diwakar, ISRO and Dr. Shinichi Sobue, JAXA) and SAFE Workshop participants. We shared the concept of multi-lateral collaboration scheme to share the common interest / knowledge and method / technology in Asia Pacific region. Following the SAFE Workshop, open seminar was held at the same venue to promote active contribution to satellite data resources, applications and trainings through regional cooperation and address regional environmental issues as well as promote supporting institutes and universities for new applications using satellite data.

In the APRSAF-25/SAWG of the next day, further SAFE evolution discussion was done. Several recommendations were forwarded to the plenary and endorsed there.

The results of SAFE initiative and recommendations are given below;

Results of progress report and follow-up activities

On-going prototyping

  1. Indonesia (Haze Monitoring)
    • Confirmed further progress on hotspot detection and smoke haze observation using Himawari-8
    • Confirmed dialog with stakeholders (BMKG and MoEF) in order to use the AHI data received by BMKG so that KLHK can be utilized as a user
    • Suggested to share knowledge and tool of ISRO from its successful experimental studies
    • Approved one-year extension as follow up with improvement of spatial resolution with GCOM-C data (open to public from this December)

SAFE follow up

  1. Cambodia (Paddy Area Estimation)
    • Confirmed the further progress for operational use
    • Completed evaluation of validation framework of rice planted area statistics with area estimates by improved INAHOR (Machine Learning: Random forest) in 4 target districts with good results
    • Expecting to expand the validation framework to dry seasons and other provinces (total 6 provinces) to be operation
    • Sharing the success stories in Asian countries to help Cambodia and for GEOGLAM Asia Rice activity
  2. Indonesia (Oil Palm)
    • Confirmed the further progress for operational use
    • Confirmed continuous discussion with National Institute of Technology (ITENAS), the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN) and World Research Institute of Indonesia (WRI) as activities in making national guideline draft.
  3. Malaysia (Oil Palm)
    • Confirmed the further progress for operational use
    • Realized the necessity of robust and user- friendly system for operation in terms of software user interface, product design, and device performance
    • Confirmed the first successful story of public-private partnership
    • Realized the necessity of intellectual property and knowledge sharing way

SAFE Evolution

Motivation to SAFE Evolution

  1. Change of landscape;
    • Data policies
    • Internet accessibility and solutions
    • Big data and IoT
  2. Highlighted the importance of contribution to Global Agendas (Sendai Framework, Paris Agreement and SDGs)
  3. Emerging regional activities led by space agencies and international organization (regional collaboration by ISRO, ARTSA by GISTDA, RESAP by ESCAP ….)
  4. Possibility of collaboration with donor agencies (ADB, JICA, ASEAN/JAIF etc)
  5. Towards more operational scenarios

Concept of SAFE evolution

  1. Define a clear path of implementation “Co-design of SAFE projects”
    • User requirements analysis: Understand users’ needs (more users / stakeholders involvements)
    • List out resources to implement SAFE projects (sat. data, tools (Apps), technology supports, capacity building, etc.) by APRSAF participating space agencies
    • Ensure proper mapping amongst Needs and Seeds (User needs to result in project formulation and deliverables)
  2. Ensure Participation of Governments for sustainable use of technology (Top management involvement, capacity building, etc.)
  3. Work towards operationalization of the initiative
  4. Stimulate sharing knowledge and accomplishments

SAFE Evolution proposed by APRSAF-25/SAWG (endorsed by plenary)

  1. Convene the executive board to finalize new SAFE TOR
    • Executive board members: co-chaired by ISRO and JAXA, and members from Australia (GA/CSIRO), Indonesia (LAPAN), Malaysia (UPM), Singapore (CRISP), Thailand (GISTDA), Vietnam (VNSC)
  2. Develop two new SAFE projects to implement them from early next year with a focus on the Mekong region to toward the Sendai frame work, Sustainable development goals and Paris agreements
    • Rice crop monitoring on Mekong Data Cube
    • Agromet information for rice crop outlook
  3. Promote knowledge and information sharing through SAFE initiatives
  4. Promote the inclusion of new IT developments (e.g. big data analysis) along with GNSS and GIS in SAFE projects
  5. Propose drafting of a project proposal paper describing the two SAFE projects and to consolidate and coordinate efforts between APRSAF SAWG, AO GEO, the ESCAP plan of action, the 2019 CEOS Chair (VNSC) initiative, and ASEAN projects and activities.

» Agenda and Presentation materials