APRSAF/SAFE-ESCAP Meeting in UNESCAP, Thailand - May 15, 2017

< Last Update: Jun. 14, 2017 >

The United Nations Conference Centre

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Ms. Kelly Anne Hayden, ESCAP
Dr. Lal Samarakoon, GIC, AIT

Time Agenda Item(s)
8:30 Registration Open
9:00-16:30 SAFE Mini-Workshop (Meeting Room F)
Opening session
  • Opening Remarks (Co-Chair)
  • Introductions by all participants
  • Agenda adoption

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(SAFE secretariat)

  • Report from SAFE Secretariat
    - Report of SAFE Workshop in APRSAF-23
9:25-10:20 Water resource management session

(Progress report) Developing and Implementing an Operational Prototype for Advanced Flood Forecasting, Early Warning, and Data Sharing System in the Kalu Ganga Basin, Sri Lanka

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(Mr. Thantillage Premaratne Alwis, Irrigation Department, Sri Lanka)


(Final report) Deploying GSMaP for Decision Support in Transboundary Catchments in the Lower Mekong Basin

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(Dr. Pichaid Varoonchotikul, MRC)

10:20-10:35 Break (Grope photo)
10:35-11:00 Forestry session

(Progress report) Smoke haze monitoring in Indonesia

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(Mr. Suwarsono, LAPAN)

11:00-11:55 Agriculture session: Oil palm

(Progress report) Mapping and Monitoring Oil Palm Plantations Using Optical and SAR Space borne Data

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(Dr. Zylshal, LAPAN, Indonesia)


(Final report) Efficient Oil Palm Management Prototyping Using 3D GIS

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(Ms. Haryati Abidin, FVGRD, MALAYSIA)

11:55-13:40 Luncheon Event and Lunch (Conference Room 4)
13:40-14:05 Agriculture session: Rice crop

(Progress report) Promote rice planted area and production estimation using space based technologies

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(Ms. Sotheavy Meas, DPS, MAFF, Cambodia)


(Progress report) Promote a Department of Agricultural Land Management and Statistics (DALMS) system through using Innovative rice crop area mapping and yield monitoring with space based technologies

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(Mr. Moon Naung Zin, DALMS, MOAI, Myanmar)


(Follow-up report) SAR Technology Application for Paddy Crop Monitoring in Central Area of Paddy Production, in Indonesia

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(Dr. Rizatus Shofiyati, ICALRD, INDONESIA)

15:00-15:30 Break
Review Board Meeting (Meeting Room B)

Discussion of SAFE future activities



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(SAFE secretariat)

16:00-16:20 Wrap up repor
16:20-16:30 Closing Remarks
16:30 Adjourn
  • rogress report 15 minutes presentation and 10 minutes Q&A/discussion
  • Final report 20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes Q&A/discussion
  • Follow-up report 20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes Q&A/discussion

Space Applications for Environment and SDGs Luncheon

15 May, 12:00 — Conference Room 4, UNCC

As both the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) and ESCAP have a common interest in maximizing the innovative contributions of space technology applications to the attainment of the SDGs in the Asia-Pacific region, ESCAP’s Commission session provides an excellent opportunity to showcase the benefits of space applications to policymakers and end users not necessarily familiar with their potential. The event will aim to generate a cross-cutting SDG dialogue to support the drafting of a new Asia-Pacific Plan of Action for Space Applications, 2018-2030.

A background document on Space Applications for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (E/ESCAP/73/20) will be presented during agenda item 3(f) of the Commission immediately after the lunch event. This event will therefore provide greater information to delegations wishing to make a statement on this issue at the Commission.

Time Agenda Item(s)

Opening Remarks

Mr. Kaveh Zahedi, Deputy Executive Secretary of ESCAP

Mr. Shinichi Sobue, Mission Manager, Space Technology Directorate I, JAXA


Space for Environment and SDGs Panel

Moderated by Mr. Shinichi Sobue, JAXA

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Flood forecasting for DRR
Dr. Mohamed Rasmy Abdul Wahid, Senior Researcher
International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM)

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Satellite based rice crop monitoring toward the SDGs
Dr. Rizatus Shofiyati
Indonesian Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development (ICALRRD)

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Asia-Pacific Plan of Action for Space Applications 2018-2030
Ms. Tiziana Bonapace, Director
Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, ESCAP

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Questions & Closing


Lunch (Served outside Conference Room 4)