Stakeholder Meeting in Indonesia, Sep 3, 2014

< Last Update: 3 Oct. 2014 >


  • Venue: Ruang Training, LAPAN, Pekayon, Jakarta, Indonesia

Stakeholder Meeting of Indonesia's prototype was held in Jakarta on September 10, 2014. 44 participants from 12 organizations, including potential user agencies like Ministry of Forestry, Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), and Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries joined the meeting. Mr. Yutaka Kaneko (EORC/JAXA) and Dr. M. Rokhis Khomarudin (Director of Remote Sensing Applications Center, LAPAN) made opening remarks. Dr. M. Rokhis Khomarudin mentioned that remote sensing technology is effective tool to monitor mangrove forest and the output of this prototype is very useful for policy makers to assess mangrove-related government programs. He also mentioned LAPAN is responsible for encouraging effective utilization of remote sensing data in Indonesia and standard method of remote sensing application should be established in line with Space Act No. 21 (2013).

After introduction of SAFE Overview presented by Mr. Ko Hamamoto (EORC/JAXA), Ms. Yenni Vetrita (LAPAN) reported the on-going results and outcome of their SAFE prototyping ‘The assessment of Mangrove Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring of Indonesia using Remote Sensing Approach’. In this prototype, LAPAN and the technical supporter (The University of Tokyo) set four study areas namely Segara Anakan and Banyuwangi (focused on optical satellite data), beside added the other 2 sites (Musi Banyuasin and Teluk Bintuni which focused on ALOS/PALSAR) and verified their study model. They created mangrove forest map and calculated above ground biomass (AGB) using ALOS/PALSAR, Landsat and SPOT data in combination with field data from their own field survey, BIG, etc. She concluded i) mangrove area has been reduced since 1994 and ii) more accurate AGB estimation would be possible with a combination of vegetation index and estimated height from PALSAR, in addition (iii) individual mangrove species can be differentiated and separated using their unique spectral reflectance in the visible and Near Infrared region.

Then, Dr. Haruni Krisnawati, Ministry of Forestry (MoF) introduced MoF's biomass research activities. She mentioned that mangrove is the conversion of mangroves into other land uses have resulted in the emission of the green house gas (CO2) and mangrove forest area in Indonesia has been reduced to 2.8 million ha in 2011. Two carbon stock calculation methods ‘Harvesting (Destructive sampling)’ and ‘Inventory/field measurement with Allometric models’ were introduced. She concluded her presentation with importance of continual research of mangrove carbon pool because estimation accuracies are different for each research.
Dr. Soni Darmawan (The University of Tokyo) reported the progress of technical supporter research activities. He introduced new carbon stock calculation method using ALOS/PALSAR MOSAIC considering tidal height. According his study, backscatter value from PALSAR data is strongly affected by tidal height especially in coast area. He stressed importance of considering tidal height in certain mangrove area and expressed continual validation of this model.

Mr. Yuki Arai from JICA Indonesia Office participated in this stakeholder meeting to introduce Indonesia-Japan Project for Development of REDD+ Implementation Mechanism (IJ-REDD+). He briefly reported its 1st year (June 2013-June 2014) outcomes and next steps. It included the coordination, policy support, and/or capacity building for REDD+ in provincial and national level. After JICA's report, Mr. Ndaru Ismiarto (Ministry of Marine and Fisheries) introduced mangrove research activities in his ministry. He stressed importance of mapping of mangrove forest distribution and stated that wide various of information including mangrove is integrated in BIG.

During the discussion among the participants, many useful suggestions from them were made. The key discussion points were i) How can we lead the outcome of this prototyping to operational use, ii) How can we make this model sustainable and iii) How can we establish one most appropriate method of mangrove biomass calculation. Major comments or suggestions are follows;

- To need integration of optical and radar data
- To apply this prototype model to whole Indonesia
- To create guideline, manual and standard for field study, data processing, modeling of mangrove biomass estimation
- To closely communicate with stakeholders to get further comments or opinions
- To need to share this results to other researchers in next SAFE Workshop
- To use polarimetric SAR data effectively such as ALOS-2

In conclusion, Mr. Syarif Budhiman on behalf of Director of Remote Sensing Applications Center expressed LAPAN would continue the research to improve the modeling.

Agenda and Presentation Materials

9:00-9:10 Opening Remarks (Director, Remote Sensing Applications Center of LAPAN)
Opening Remarks of JAXA (EORC/JAXA)
9:10-9:15 Group Photo (All participants)

Introduction of SAFE Overview (EORC/JAXA)

Document Download (PDF)


Progress of LAPAN research activities (LAPAN)

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Progress of technical supporter research activities (The University of Tokyo)

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10:10-10:30 Coffee Break

Mangrove biomass research activities in MoF (Ministry of Forestry (MoF))

Document Download (PDF)

10:50-11:10 Mangrove research activities in MoMaF (Ministry of Marine and Fisheries)

Introduction of JICA activities in Indonesia (Mr. Yuki Arai)

Document Download (PDF)

11:25-11:55 Discussion for the operational and sustainable use of SAFE prototyping results (All participants)
11:55-12:05 Closing Remarks (LAPAN)


Stakeholder Meeting in LAPAN, Indonesia

Stakeholder Meeting in LAPAN, Indonesia

Opening Remarks (Dr. M. Rokhis Khomarudin, Director of Remote Sensing Applications Center, LAPAN)

Opening Remarks (Dr. M. Rokhis Khomarudin, Director of Remote Sensing Applications Center, LAPAN)

Opening Remarks (Mr. Yutaka Kaneko, EORC/JAXA)

Opening Remarks (Mr. Yutaka Kaneko, EORC/JAXA)

Introduction of SAFE Overview (Mr. Ko Hamamoto, EORC/JAXA)

Introduction of SAFE Overview (Mr. Ko Hamamoto, EORC/JAXA)

Progress of LAPAN research activities (Ms. Yenni Vetrita, LAPAN)

Progress of LAPAN research activities (Ms. Yenni Vetrita, LAPAN)

Progress of technical supporter research activities (Dr. Soni Darmawan, The University of Tokyo)

Progress of technical supporter research activities (Dr. Soni Darmawan, The University of Tokyo)

Mangrove biomass research activities in MoF (Dr. Haruni Krisnawati, Ministry of Forestry)

Mangrove biomass research activities in MoF (Dr. Haruni Krisnawati, Ministry of Forestry)

Mangrove research activities in MoMaF (Mr. Ndaru Ismiarto, Ministry of Marine and Fisheries)

Mangrove research activities in MoMaF (Mr. Ndaru Ismiarto, Ministry of Marine and Fisheries)

Introduction of JICA activities in Indonesia (Mr. Yuki Arai, JICA Indonesia Office)

Introduction of JICA activities in Indonesia (Mr. Yuki Arai, JICA Indonesia Office)



Closing Remarks (Mr. Syarif Budhiman on behalf of Director of Remote Sensing Applications Center, LAPAN)

Closing Remarks (Mr. Syarif Budhiman on behalf of Director of Remote Sensing Applications Center, LAPAN)

Exchange the Gifts

Exchange the Gifts

Group Photo

Group Photo