Research & Meetings

15th Science Team meeting - Announcement (Final)

January 24 (Mon.), 2011
JAXA TKSC, Tsukuba
Forest Theme - Day 1 pdf file
9:30 Bus from Hotel Okura to JAXA TKSC
10:00-10:05 Welcome (Masanobu Shimada, JAXA)
10:05-10:15 K&C intro to Forest Theme Days (Ake Rosenqvist)
10:15-12:30 Phase-2 results summary presentations (15+5 minutes)
·Christian Thiel (FSU-Jena)
·Anna Peregon (NIES)
·Johan Fransson / Maurizio Santoro (SLU/Gamma)
·Paul Siqueira (U. Massacusetts)
·Dalton Valeriano (INPE)
·Edson Sano (IBAMA)
12:30-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-15:00 Presentations, part 2 (15+5 minutes)
·Shaun Quegan (U Sheffield)
·Dirk Hoekman (U Wageningen)
·Francesco Holecz (sarmap)
·Alex Bouvet (JRC)
15:00-15:20 COFFEE BREAK
15:20-17:00 Forest Theme work session 1 - Science Team Phase 2 deliverables
~17:00 Adjourn
17:15 Bus from JAXA to Tsukuba station and Hotel Okura
January 25 (Tue.), 2011
JAXA TKSC, Tsukuba
Forest Theme - Day 2 pdf file
9:30 Bus from Hotel Okura to JAXA TKSC
10:00-11:00 JAXA EORC global mosaic and forest mapping activities (Masanobu Shimada)
·ALOS PALSAR and JERS-1 SAR 10m resolution global mosaics
·Global forest cover and biomass mapping effort - 2010 results
11:00-11:15 K&C Phase 3 - JAXA Forest Theme objectives (Ake Rosenqvist)
11:15-11:30 COFFEE BREAK
11:30-12:15 Open floor discussion:
·Refining the Phase 3 objectives
·SAR methodology guidelines for the GOFC-GOLD Sourcebook
·Science questions from KC#14
12:15-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-14:50 Related external activities and potential connections to K&C Phase 3
·Forest monitoring activities at Woods Hole - Josef Kellndorfer (WHRC)
·Activities at the Canadian Forest Service - André Beaudoin (CFS)
·The EU FP7 ReCover project - Tuomas Hame/Yrjö Rauste (VTT/Finland)
·Activities at Bakosurtanal - Priyadi Kardono (Bakosurtanal/Indonesia)
14:50-15:10 COFFEE BREAK
15:10- Forest Theme work session 2 - Phase 3
·Continuation of morning open floor discussions
·Assessing individual member contributions to Phase 3 forest goals
~17:00 Adjourn
17:15 Bus from JAXA to Tsukuba station and Hotel Okura
January 26 (Wed), 2011
RESTEC HQ / Roppongi, Tokyo pdf file
10:00-10:10 Welcome (Masanobu Shimada, JAXA)
10:10-10:45 K&C project issues (Ake Rosenqvist)
10:45-11:00 PALSAR (BOS) observation results (K. Tsuzuku, RESTEC)
11:00-11:20 COFFEE BREAK
11:20-11:40 ALOS & PALSAR mission status (M. Shimada, JAXA)
11:40-12:00 ALOS-2 mission development status (M. Shimada, JAXA)
12:00-12:15 K&C data processing and dissemination (D. Sango, RESTEC)
12:15-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-15:30 Phase 3 administrative and contract issues
·Masanobu Shimada
·Tamaki Iwaki, JAXA Contracts Division
15:30-15:50 COFFEE BREAK
15:50-17:30 Way forward for K&C Phase 3
~17:30 Adjourn
18:30-20:30 Reception dinner (2,000 yen/person)
Venue: TORAFUKU restaurant (Shiroyama hills building)
January 27 (Thu), 2011
RESTEC HQ / Roppongi, Tokyo
Wetland Theme - Day 1 pdf file
10:00-10:10 K&C intro to Wetland Theme Days (Ake Rosenqvist)
10:10-12:15 Phase 2 results summary presentations (15+5 minutes)
·Lisa Rebelo (IWMI)
·William Salas (AGS)
·Kyle McDonald (JPL)
·Laura Hess (UCSB)
·Bruce Chapman (JPL)
12:15-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-14:30 Presentations part 2
·Richard Lucas - wetlands (U Aberystwyth)
·Richard Lucas - forest (U Aberystwyth)
·Anthony Milne (UNSW)
14:30-15:30 Wetland Theme work session 1: Science Team Phase 2 deliverables
15:30-15:45 COFFEE BREAK
15:45-16:00 K&C Phase 3
- Wetlands Theme objectives
(Ake Rosenqvist)
16:00-17:30 Wetlands Theme work session 2 - Phase 3
·K&C Mangrove Watch
·Assessment of the USGS Global Mangrove dataset (Richard Lucas)
·Support to Ramsar Conventions
·Methodology development standards
·Science questions from KC#14
~17:30 Adjourn
January 28 (Fri), 2011
RESTEC HQ / Roppongi, Tokyo
Wetland Theme - Day 2 pdf file
10:15-11:30 Wetlands Theme work session 3 - Phase 3 and other issues
·Assessing individual member contributions to Phase 3 wetlands goals
11:30-12:00 Summary & Other issues (Ake Rosenqvist + All)
~12:00 Closing of meeting