Research & Meetings

25th Science Team meeting - Announcement (Final)

February 5 (Tue), 2019
JAXA updates pdf file
10:00-10:15 Welcome (Takeo Tadono, Masato Hayashi, JAXA EORC)
10:15-10:35 K&C update (Ake Rosenqvist, soloEO)
10:35-10:55 PALSAR-2 operational status (Shin-ichi Sobue, JAXA)
10:55-11:15 Coffee
11:15-11:25 PALSAR-2 processing and data provision (Takashi Ogawa, RESTEC)
11:25-11:35 EORC Forest/Non-Forest maps generation (Masato Hayashi, JAXA EORC)
11:35-11:55 ALOS-2 BOS update (Ake Rosenqvist, soloEO)
11:55-12:20 Q&A
12:20-13:30 LUNCH
Phase 4 Final Results - Glaciers & Wetlands
13:30-13:50 Berndt Scheuchl (UC Irvine)
Ice Sheet monitoring by ALOS-2
13:55-14:15 Lisa Rebelo (IWMI)
Wetlands mapping of the Nile and Zambezi Basins
14:20-14:40 Pete Bunting (Aberystwyth Univ)
The Global Mangrove Watch
14:45-15:05 Kyle McDonald (CUNY)
Mapping Wetlands, Surface Structural Attributes, and Boreal Freeze/Thaw at Regional Scales with JAXA SAR data
15:10-15:30 Coffee
15:30-15:50 Toshio Okumura (RESTEC)
15:50-16:10 Bruce Chapman (JPL)
Validation of inundation extent and C and L-band sensitivity to inundation
16:15-16:35 Hironori Arai (University of Tokyo)
Estimation of Methane Emissions from Rice Paddies in the Mekong Delta Based on Land Surface Dynamics Characterization with Remote Sensing
16:50- Open floor discussions
~18:00 Adjourn
February 6 (Wed), 2019
Phase 4 Final Results - Forest pdf file
10:00-10:20 Michail Urbazaev (FSU Jena)
PALSAR-1/2 Data for Vegetation Cover and Biomass Mapping in Various Climates
10:25-10:45 Maurizio Santoro (Gamma RS)
Coupling radar-based estimates of forest info with biosphere models for improved carbon flux estimation
10:50-11:10 Rahmat Arief (LAPAN)
Forest Mapping in North Sumatra
11:15-11:35 Coffee
11:40-12:00 João Carreira (U. Sheffield)
PALSAR-1/2 Data for Vegetation Cover and Biomass Mapping in Various Climates
12:05-12:25 Masato Hayashi (JAXA EORC)
EORC research results
12:30-12:50 Maurizio Santoro (Gamma RS)
CCI Biomass
12:50-14:00 LUNCH
Related Missions
14:00-14:20 Takeshi Motohka (JAXA) ALOS-4
14:25-14:45 Takeo Tadono (JAXA EORC) ALOS-3
14:50-15:10 João Carreira (U. Sheffield) BIOMASS
15:15-15:35 J.Kellndorfer (NISAR Science Team) NISAR Overview
15:40-16:00 Bruce Chapman (NISAR Science Team) NISAR Calval
16:05-16:20 Coffee
16:20-16:40 Rei Mitsuhashi (JAXA) MOLI
16:40-16:50 John Armston (UMD) GEDI
16:50-17:05 Ake Rosenqvist (soloEO) NovaSAR
17:05-17:20 Ake Rosenqvist (soloEO) SAOCOM
17:20-17:40 Open floor discussions
18:00-20:00 Reception dinner
February 7 (Thu), 2019
Phase 4 Final Results -Forest(cont'd) pdf file
10:00-10:25 Manabu Watanabe (TDU)
Improvement of deforestration detection algorithm using in JJ-FAST
10:30-10:55 Christian Koyama (TDU)
Mapping the spatial-temporal heterogeneity of tropical forests by ALOS-2 Big Data analysis
11:00-11:40 Josef Kellndorfer (Earth Big Data)
Time series analysis of SAR an optical data for forest monitoring
11:40-12:00 Coffee
12:00-12:35 Dirk Hoekman (Wageningen Univ)
Wide area forest monitoring and biomass stratification in Insular SE Asia and Guiana Shield
12:35-12:55 Johan Fransson (SLU)
Retrieval of forest biomass and biomass change with spaceborne SAR
13:00-14:15 LUNCH
Phase 4 Final Results -Forest(cont'd)
14:15-14:35 Trix Estomata (GIZ)
Utilising L-Band SAR Data for Natural Resource Management in the Philippines
14:40-15:00 Humberto de Mesquita (BFS)
Forest Structure to Map of Forest Types with ALOS-PALSAR
15:05-15:25 John Armston,UMD (by Pete Bunting)
Detection of Biomass and Structural Change using Japanese L-band SAR, Australia
15:30-15:45 Coffee
15:45-16:05 Paul Siqueira, UMASS (by Bruce Chapman)
Use of short-period ALOS-2 observations for vegetation characterization and classification
16:10-16:30 Pedro Rodriguez (U.Leicester)
Forest Biomass map in Colombia
16:35-16:55 Masanobu Shimada (TDU)
Relationship between SAR backscatter and optical intensity
17:00-17:20 Joaquim Macuacua (Nat. Dir. Forestry)
National Forest Monitoring System For REDD+ in Mozambique
17:25-17:45 Open floor discussions
~18:00 Adjourn
February 8 (Fri), 2019
Post K&C activities pdf file
10:00-10:20 EORC Research Announcement and plans for Post-K&C
(Takeo Tadono, JAXA)
10:25-11:05 Post-KC: Project introductions (5 minutes/1 slide)
1.Shaun Quegan (by João Carreira)
2.Maurizio Santoro
3.Johan Fransson
4.Josef Kellndorfer
5.Humberto de Mesquita
6.Bruce Chapman
7.Paul Siqueira (by Bruce Chapman)
8.Berndt Scheuchl
11:10-11:30 Coffee
11:30-12:00 Post-KC: Project introductions (5 minutes/1 slide)
9.Dirk Hoekman
10.Rahmat Arief
11.Pete Bunting
12.Lisa-Maria Rebel
13.Christiane Schmullius (by Misha Urbazaev)
14.Kyle McDonald
12:05-12:50 Open floor discussions
12:55-13:15 Summary (Ake Rosenqvist, soloEO)
13:15 End of meeting
ALOS K&C 25th Science Advisory Panel / Science Team Meeting Participants