Research & Meetings

19th Science Team meeting - Announcement (Final)

April 9 (Tue.), 2013
RESTEC HQ / Kamiya-cho, Tokyo pdf file
10:00-10:05 Welcome (Masanobu Shimada, JAXA)
10:05-10:30 K&C intro for new participants (Ake Rosenqvist, soloEO)
10:30-11:30 EORC data processing and ground data collection
·Status & capacity issues (Masanobu Shimada, JAXA)
·PALSAR mosaics and path image request procedures and EORC product transfer procedures (Keiko Ishii, RESTEC)
·JAXA collection of ground data from K&C Science Teams (Takeshi Motohka, JAXA)
11:30-11:50 JAXA Global Forest/Non-Forest mapping - status report (JAXA EORC team)
11:50-12:15 ALOS-2 system characteristics and development status (M. Shimada)
12:15-13:30 LUNCH
13:00-15:10 Science Team reports - Forestry (20+5 minutes)
·Richard Lucas (U. Aberystwyth/Wales)
·Mari Trix Estomata (GIZ, Philippines)
·Jörg Seifert-Granzin (GIZ, Philippines/Vanuatu)
·Maurizio Santoro (Gamma RS, Switzerland)
15:10-15:30 Coffee
15:30-17:30 Science Team reports - Forestry (20+5 minutes)
·Shaun Quegan (U. Sheffield/U.K.)
·Katmoko Ari Sambodo (LAPAN, Indonesia)
·Carlos Pedraza (TNC/Colombia)
·Renaud Mathieu (CSIR, South Africa) - by Ake Rosenqvist
~17:30 Adjourn
April 10 (Wed.), 2013
RESTEC HQ / Kamiya-cho, Tokyo pdf file
10:00-12:15 Science Team reports - Forestry (20+5 minutes)
·Mulyanto Darmawan (Badan Informasi Geospasial, Indonesia)
·Hamdan Omar (FRIM, Malaysia)
·Paul Siqueira (Univ. Mass/USA)
·Florian Kugler (DLR, Germany)
12:15-13:30 LUNCH
(SAP#2, SAP members only)
  18:00 Welcome Recetion (All KC#19 participants)
April 11 (Thu), 2013
RESTEC HQ / Kamiya-cho, Tokyo pdf file
10:00-12:30 Science Team reports - Wetlands (20+5 minutes)
·Bill Salas (AGS/USA)
·Lisa Rebelo (IWMI, Laos)
·Tony Milne (UNSW, Australia)
·Bruce Chapman (JPL, USA)
·Bruce Forsberg (INPA, Brazil) - by Bruce Chapman
·Lola Fatoyinbo (NASA GSFC, USA)
12:30-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-15:00 K&C project issues (Ake Rosenqvist)
15:00- K&C Global Mangrove Watch - Working Group Session
Session Lead: Richard Lucas
·Recent developments (Richard Lucas, Takuya Itoh/RESTEC)
·The way forward
~17:30 Adjourn
April 12 (Fri), 2013
RESTEC HQ / Kamiya-cho, Tokyo

All KC#19 participants are most welcome to join.
pdf file
10:00-10:10 Introduction (Masanobu Shimada)
10:10-12:00 Biomass retrieval from EO (20 mins)
·From TanDEM-X to TanDEM-L: 3D vegetation structure by spaceborne InSAR Florian Kugler (DLR, Germany)
·National-scale biomass mapping of the USA - Bruce Chapman
·Semi-national scale biomass estimation by PALSAR and Landsat - Richard Lucas
·Multi-sensor generation of a global biomass dataset - Maurizio Santoro
·Biomass estimation by DesDynI - Paul Siqueira
·Prediction of biomass using X and P band in PNG - Tony Milne
12:00-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-14:15 Biomass retrieval from EO (cont'd)
·Mapping mangrove height and biomass by SRTM - Lola Fatoyinbo
·The ESA BIOMASS mission: the first P-band SAR! - Shaun Quegan
14:15- Biomass retrieval from EO (cont'd)
Open floor Discussion on today's state of the art and potential implications for ALOS-4
~16:00 End of KC#19
ALOS K&C Science Advisory Panel / Science Team Meeting Participants