Research & Meetings

13th Science Team meeting - Announcement (Final)

January 18 (Mon.), 2010
JAXA TKSC, Tsukuba
Wetland Theme - Day 1 pdf file
10:00-10:10 Welcome (Masanobu Shimada, JAXA)
10:10-10:20 K&C intro to Wetland Theme Days (Ake Rosenqvist)
10:20-11:50 Poster presentations (10+5 minutes)
·Richard Lucas (U. Aberystwyth)
·Lisa Rebelo (IWMI)
·Laura Hess (UCSB)
·Kyle McDonald (JPL)
·William Salas (AGS) (by Laura)
·Kevin Telmer (U. Victoria)
·Philippe Paillou (U. Bordeaux) (by Ake)
11:50-13:00 LUNCH
13:00-15:30 Wetland Theme work session 1: Theme issues (Lead: Laura Hess)
15:30-15:45COFFEE BREAK
15:45- Wetland Theme work session 2: Preparations for Day 2 reports
·K&C member products/deliverables
·Time schedule for last year of Phase 2
~17:30 Adjourn
January 19 (Tue.), 2010
JAXA TKSC, Tsukuba
Wetland Theme - Day 2 pdf file
10:00-11:15 Member reports on deliverables and schedules (max 3 slides; 5+5 min)
·Richard Lucas (U. Aberystwyth)
·William Salas (AGS) (by Ake)
·Lisa Rebelo (IWMI)
·Laura Hess (UCSB)
·Kyle McDonald (JPL)
·Anthony Milne (Horizon)
·Francesco Holecz (sarmap)
11:15-11:30 COFFEE BREAK
11:30-12:00 Open floor discussion: Coordinating member output
·Products, conferences, J-STARS etc.
12:00-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-16:00 Wetland Theme work session 3: K&C booklet
·Preparations of member contributions to 2010 booklet
16:00-16:15COFFEE BREAK
16:15- Wetland Theme Summary (Lead: Laura Hess)
~17:30 Adjourn
January 20 (Wed), 2010
RESTEC HQ / Roppongi, Tokyo pdf file
10:00-10:10 Welcome (Masanobu Shimada, JAXA)
10:10-10:30 K&C project issues (Ake Rosenqvist)
10:30-10:45 PALSAR observation strategy update (Fumi Ohgushi, RESTEC)
10:45-11:10 ALOS & PALSAR operation status (M. Shimada, JAXA/D. Sango, RESTEC)
11:10-11:30 EORC data processing - status & capacity issues (M. Shimada)
11:30-11:45 K&C data dissemination and user interface (Akira Mukaida, RESTEC)
11:45-12:30 K&C Mosaic status
·JAXA (M. Shimada)
·JRC (Frank Degrandi - by Ake R.)
·JPL (Bruce Chapman)
12:30-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-15:10 Mosaic Theme work session - Theme issues (Lead: Bruce Chapman)
Forest Theme - Day 0.5
15:10-15:15 K&C intro to Forest Theme Days (Ake Rosenqvist)
15:15-17:00 Forest Theme Poster presentations, part 1 (10+5 minutes)
·Richard Lucas (U. Aberystwyth)
·Niels Wielaard (SarVision)
·Francesco Holecz (sarmap)
·Osamu Isoguchi (JAXA EORC)
·Nicolas Longépé (JAXA EORC)
17:00- ALOS-2 mission status(M. Shimada)
~17:30 Adjourn
18:00 - 20:00 Joint dinner (3000 yen/person)
"Shuraku Shunsai no Ie" restaurant (Kamiyacho, 10 mins walk from RESTEC)
January 21 (Thu), 2010
RESTEC HQ / Roppongi, Tokyo
Forest Theme - Day 1 pdf file
9:30-12:30 Poster presentations, part 2 (10+5 minutes)
·Anthony Milne (Horizon)
·Paul Siqueira (U. Massachusetts)
·Thuy Le Toan (CESBIO)
·Maurizio Santoro (Gamma RS)
·Christiane Schmullius (FSU-Jena)
·Shaun Quegan (U Sheffield)
12:30-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-16:45 Forest Theme work session (Richard Lucas)
·Theme issues, output coordination
·Preparations for Day 2 reports and member contributions to 2010 booklet
Evening Session on Forest Carbon Tracking (volontary participation)
17:00-17:20 BIOMASS mission status (Thuy Le Toan, CESBIO)
17:20-17:40 Report from COP-15 and REDD status (Josef Kellndorfer - by Ake)
17:40-18:00 GEO FCT present status (Alex Held/Gary Richard - by Ake)
18:00- Open floor discussions/work session
·FCT Science and Data Summit research issues
~20:00 Adjourn
January 22 (Fri), 2010
RESTEC HQ / Roppongi, Tokyo
Forest Theme Day 2 pdf file
9:30-10:15 Forest Theme work session 2: K&C booklet
10:15-10:30 Wetland Theme Days Summary (Laura Hess)
10:30-11:30 ALOS-2 configuration options - open discussion (All)
11:30-12:30 Forest Theme work session 3: K&C booklet
12:30-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-14:00 Member reports on deliverables and schedules (max 3 slides; 5+5 min)
·Paul Siqueira (U. Massachusetts)
·Richard Lucas (U. Aberystwyth)
·Niels Wielaard (SarVision)
·Maurizio Santoro (Gamma RS)
·Thuy Le Toan (CESBIO)
·Christiane Schmullius (FSU-Jena)
14:00-14:15 COFFEE BREAK
14:15-15:15 Submission of booklet contributions (All Science Team members)
15:15-16:00 K&C way forward - open floor discussions
16:00- Summary & Other issues (Ake Rosenqvist + All)
~16:30 Closing of meeting