Site Policy/Disclaimer

  • While every effort is made to provide accurate information and to ensure security, JICA and JAXA do not guarantee that there will be no errors in the contents of this website, nor does it preclude the possibility of cyber-attacks that result in the altering of the content. JICA and JAXA disclaim JICA and JAXA retains ownership any liability for errors and omissions or for any damages accruing from the use of this site or its contents.

  • The site also includes contents, links, other information, and translated material provided by third-parties for which JICA and JAXA claim no responsibility.

  • Note that the base-map datasets allow free access from anyone to be used for public administrations, research, education, concession management and so forth to conserve forests in the world. However, it is prohibited to use the datasets for commercial and profit-making purposes without JICA's and JAXA's consent.

  • Anyone wishing to publish or use any results using the datasetsshould clearly acknowledge the ownership of the data in the publication or products. When you use the images on the site in your publication, you are requested to indicate their source as "©JICA/©JAXA".

  • JJ-FAST uses the Natural Earth map ( as a base-map, which does not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of JICA, JAXA or the Japanese Government concerning the legal status of any country or territory or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries.