
ALOS 京都・炭素観測計画 - 第7回科学諮問会議 -

- プログラム (2007年1月31日現在·最終版) -

開催日: 2007年1月16日(火)- 1月19日 (金)

場所: 宇宙航空研究開発機構·筑波宇宙センター


2007年1月16 (火), 17 (水), 18 (木), 19 (金),

2007年 1月 16日(火)
筑波宇宙センター総合開発推進棟B2会議室 pdf file
9:50 Registration
10:15-10:45 Introduction
·Welcome (M. Shimada, JAXA EORC)
·Meeting objectives (A. Rosenqvist, JRC)
10:45-11:15 ALOS and PALSAR post-launch up-date (N. Ito, JAXA TKSC)
11:15-12:15 ALOS PALSAR Cal/Val (M. Shimada)
12:15-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-14:00 PRISM and AVNIR-2 (T. Tadono, JAXA EORC)
14:00-14:20 Status of the PALSAR observation strategy (M. Watanabe)
14:20-15:00 SigmaSAR and the EORC processing chain (M. Shimada)
15:00-15:15 COFEE BREAK
15:15-15:40 PALSAR K&C data products (D. Sango, RESTEC)
·Product levels provided by EORC
·Format description and sample data sets
15:40-16:00 PALSAR K&C data dissemination (A.Mukaida, RESTEC)
·FTP Transfer procedures; ASPERA fast FTP transfer
16:00 Discussions
17:15 Adjourn
18:00 Welcome Reception at Restaurant Ichi-Maru (Tsukuba)
2007年 1月 17日(水)
筑波宇宙センター総合開発推進棟第2会議室 pdf file
10:00-10:30 The ALOS Geoscience and Applications Processor (AGAP)
(A. Mukaida)
·System overview
·On-line demonstration
10:30-11:30 Viewing the archive (A. Mukaida)
·PALSAR www browser and ZOOMA
·On-line demo (viewer & data dissemination)
11:30-12:30 Discussions
12:30-13:30 LUNCH
13:30- Early results and project up-date presentations from the Science Team
·Christiane Schmullius (U. Jena)
·Leif Eriksson (Chalmers Univ. of Technology)
·Ake Rosenqvist (JRC)
·Shaun Quegan (U. Sheffield)
·Kevin Telmer (U. Victoria) (by Maycira Costa)
·Ryutaro Tateishi (Chiba University)
·Kyle McDonald (JPL)
·Richard Lucas (U. Wales)
·Dirk Hoekman (SarVision) (by Arjen Vrielink)
·Bill Salas (Applied Geosolutions)
·Thuy Le Toan (CESBIO)
·Tony Milne (UNSW)
17:15 Adjourn
2007年 1月 18日(木)
10:00- Early results and project up-date presentations from the Science Team
·Laura Hess (UCSB)
·Dalton Valeriano (INPE)
·Maycira Costa (U. Victoria)
·Bruce Chapman (JPL)
·Paul Siqueira (U. Mass) (by Bruce Chapman)
·Francesco Holecz (Sarmap)
·Philippe Paillou (U. Bordeaux) (by Ake Rosenqvist)
12:30-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-15:00 Related external activities
·Yumiko Uryu (WWF, Japan)
·Josef Kellndorfer (Woods Hole Research Inst.)
·Yoshiki Yamagata (National Inst. for Environmental Studies)
·Malcolm Davidson (ESA/ESTEC)
15:00-15:15 COFFEE BREAK
15:15-A Theme Work Sessions (Wetlands & Mosaic groups)
·Wetlands Theme (Laura Hess/John Lowry)
·Mosaic Theme (Bruce Chapman)
15:15-B Theme Work Session (Forest group)
·Revision of PALSAR processing requests (Ake)
17:15 Adjourn
2007年 1月 19日(金)
10:00-A Theme Work Sessions (Forest group)
·Forest Theme (Richard Lucas)
10:00-B Theme Work Sessions (Wetlands & Mosaic groups)
·Revision of PALSAR processing requests (Ake)
12:30-13:30 LUNCH
13:30 Workshop summary and discussions
~14:30 Adjourn