Research & Meetings

12th Science Team meeting - Announcement (Final)

June 15 (Mon), 2009
ALOS K&C 12th Science Team meeting pdf file
10:15-10:20 Welcome (Masanobu Shimada, JAXA)
10:20-10:45 K&C project issues (Ake Rosenqvist, JRC)
10:45-11:00 PALSAR observation strategy update (Emi Aoki/Fumi Ohgushi, RESTEC)
11:00-11:20 ALOS & PALSAR operation status (M. Shimada, JAXA/Daisuke Sango, RESTEC)
11:20-11:45 EORC data processing - status & capacity issues (M. Shimada)
11:45-12:00 K&C data dissemination and user interface (Akira Mukaida, RESTEC)
12:00-12:30 K&C mosaic status
·JAXA (M. Shimada)
·JRC (Frank Degrandi - 5 mins by Ake R.)
·JPL (Bruce Chapman)
14:00-15:00 Mosaic Theme work session - Coordination and methodology issues
Leads: Bruce Chapman & Masanobu Shimada
15:00-16:00 JAXA/Science Team action items - open floor discussions
·Data quality, processing & dissemination issues
·K&C processing requests (revision required)
·Phase 2 - Business as usual or new visions required?
  • - the adequacy of 50 m data
  • - extended external collaborations (Ramsar, GEO-FCT, space agencies)..
16:00-16:15COFFEE BREAK
16:15-17:00 Demonstration of prototype global Forest Carbon Monitoring System (FCMS) under GEOSS/FCT (Yoshiki Yamagata, NIES)
~17:00 Adjourn
June 16 (Tue), 2009
Forest Theme project updates pdf file
9:30-10:30 Forest Theme results
·Richard Lucas (U. Aberystwyth)
·Dirk Hoekman (U. Wageningen)
·Silvana Amaral (INPE)
·Christian Thiel (FSU-Jena)
·Masanobu Shimada (JAXA EORC)
10:30-10:45COFFEE BREAK
10:45-11:20 Forest Theme results
·Isoguchi/Preesan (JAXA EORC)
·Shimada/Uryu/Quegan (JAXA/WWF/U. Sheffield)
·Preesan Rakwatin (JAXA EORC)
11:20-12:15 Forest Theme product issues - open floor discussion
Lead: Richard Lucas

13:30 - 16:30 Special Work Session on GEO-FCT
Science Requirements for a coordinated multi-sensor acquisition strategy for global forest (and wetlands) monitoring K&C input to the GEO Task on Forest Carbon Tracking
·GEO-FCT background and objectives: (Osami Ochiai, JAXA HQ)
·Work session instructions (Ake R, JRC)
16:30-17:00 Session summary
~17:00 Adjourn
June 17 (Wed), 2009
Wetland Theme project updates pdf file
9:30-10:45 Wetlands Theme results
·Laura Hess (UCSB)
·Kyle McDonald (JPL)
·Lisa Rebelo (IWMI)
·Richard Lucas (U. Aberystwyth)
·William Salas (AGS)
·Tony Milne (Horizon)
10:45-11:00COFFEE BREAK
11:00-12:00 Wetland Theme work session - Coordination and methodology issues
Leads: Laura Hess & Kyle McDonald
13:30-14:30 Wetland Theme work session (continued)
14:30 - 17:30 Special Work Session on the Ramsar G-WOS
K&C input to the establishment of a Global Wetlands Observing System (G-WOS)
·G-WOS report from Ramsar STRP-15 meeting (Lisa Rebelo, IWMI)
·K&C and G-WOS: Open floor discussion (Leads: Lisa/Laura/Ake)
- Synergy with GEO-FCT
- Wetlands science/observation requirements (Ake)
17:30 Adjourn
~18:30 - 20:00 Welcome Reception
Wolfgang Puck Cafe, Akasaka Ark Hills (next to Villa Fontaine Hotel)
June 18 (Thu), 2009
RESTEC HQ pdf file
9:30-11:30 Forest Theme work session - Coordination and methodology issues
Lead: Richard Lucas
11:30-12:30 Theme Summary Session
·Mosaic - Bruce Chapman
·Wetlands - Laura Hess
·Forest - Richard Lucas
·FCT observation requirements - Ake Rosenqvist
12:30-12:45 ALOS-2 - current status (M. Shimada)
12:45-13:00 Summary & Conclusions (Ake Rosenqvist)
~13:00 Closing
14:00 - 15:00 Theme Coordinator meeting Wrap-up
(Bruce Chapman, Laura Hess, Philippe Paillou, Richard Lucas, Ake Rosenqvist)