JASMES Image Analyzer User Guide
2024/11/13 Update

0. Introduction

This site displays the observation data of climate on the global map.The map can be extended and scrolled.
In addition to display the images on the web, you can download the data shown in "2. About Data".

1. Web page

The following are instructions for operating JASMES Image Analyzer. How to use JASMES Image Analyzer JASMES Image Analyzer GCOM-C/SGLI Wild Fire

2. About Data

2-1. Area and resolution

The target areas are Global and Japan.
The default web view is global, and when zoomed in near the Japan area, data for the Japan area is mapped. The resolution varies depending on the sensor.


AreaSensorPixel sizeLatitude and Longitude (pixel center value)
Global GCOM-C/SGLI 0.05deg Lon:0.0deg.E, Lat:90.0deg.N
Lon:359.95deg.E, Lat:90.0deg.S
Terra Aqua/
0.05deg Lon:0.0deg.E, Lat:90.0deg.N
Lon:360deg.E, Lat:90.0deg.S
S-NPP/VIIRS 0.05deg Lon:0.0deg.E, Lat:90.0deg.N
Lon:360deg.E, Lat:90.0deg.S
Japan GCOM-C/SGLI 0.0025deg Lon:123.00125deg.E, Lat:49.99875deg.N
Lon:149.99875deg.E, Lat:24.00125deg.N
Terra Aqua/
0.01deg Lon:123deg.E, Lat:50deg.N
Lon:150deg.E, Lat:24.0deg.S
S-NPP/VIIRS 0.0075deg Lon:123deg.E, Lat:50deg.N
Lon:150deg.E, Lat:24.0deg.S

2-2. Product

The data displayed on the map is as follows, and the data format varies depending on the physical quantity.
・GCOM-C/SGLI Standard data (JASMES format netCDF)
・GCOM-C/SGLI Standard data wild fire (csv)
・Terra Aqua/MODIS data (binary data)
・S-NPP/VIIRS data (netCDF)

Please refer to below for detail on the physical quantity.
JASMES Image Analyzer Data List GCOM-C/SGLI Wildfire Algorithm

2-3. Use of Data

JASMES User Registration is required to use observation data.
Please also refer to "Terms of Use of Research Data (JAXA)".
JASMES User Registration Terms of Use of Research Data (JAXA)

3. FAQ

Regarding the use of JASMES-related Web pages/data, including SGLI Standard monitor, the following is list of frequently asked questions and answers. Please check the following FAQ before asking questions.
if your question is not resolved, please contact the listed in the "Contact" section. JASMES FAQ

4. How to use data

4-1. View Data

View JASMES SGLI Near-realtime data in SeaDAS
 See below for instructions on how to use SeaDAS to read and display netCDF data.
View JASMES SGLI Near-realtime data in SeaDAS

4-2. Convert to GeoTiFF

This is tutorial for converting GCOM-C/SGLI, VIIRS data in netCDF format to GeoTiFF.
Please refer to the following depending on the data used (SGLI、VIIRS、MODIS).


The script in the tutorial will use Python3(netCDF4, NumPy, GDAL library).
In addition, software (SeaDAS、ncdump, etc.) to check the contents of netCDF is required.

How to convert JASMES GCOM-C/SGLI data, VIIRS data to GeoTiFF
 This is tutorial for converting GCOM-C/SGLI data, VIIRS data in netCDF format to GeoTiFF.
How to convert netCDF data to GeoTiFF
How to convert JASMES MODIS data to GeoTiFF
 This is tutorial for converting MODIS data in binary format to GeoTiFF.
How to convert JASMES MODIS data to GeoTiFF

5. Contact

If you have any comment or questions about JASMES services, please contact us at the address below.

 Earth Observation Research Center / JAXA
 GCOM Secretariat(formerly ADEOS/OCEAN Secretariat)
 2-1-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8505 Japan
 FAX: +81-29-868-2961