Systematic Observation Strategy
To obtain the image with spatial and temporal consistencies over sub-continental scale.
- PALSAR-2 Basic Observation Scenario Map/User
- Upload of Basic Observation Scenario Map (by cycle) and KML.
- Upload KMLs of the Basic Observation Scenario results.
ALOS-2 basic observation scenario is not always observed due to the following reasons,
so please refer to the weekly observation plan below for a more realistic observation plan.
- The maximum observation duty cycle has been reduced from 50% to 30% after the end of nominal operation phase in October 2019.
- Observations with higher priority than the basic observation scenario are sometimes conducted.
ALOS-2 observation results
- Observation results during the nominal operation
ALOS-2 observation results during the nominal operation period (2014/8/4~2019/5/23) are summarized in the KML files for each observation mode. - Accumulated observation results
ALOS-2 accumulated observation results (from observation start date to present:2014/8/4~2023/12/10) of SM1(StripMap 3m)and SM2(StripMap 6m)mode are summarized in the KML files. - Annual observation results
ALOS-2 annual observation results of SM3 (StripMap 10m) and W2 (ScanSAR) mode are summarized in the KML files.
【Target period】
- 2014:2014/8/4~2014/12/21
- 2015:2014/12/22~2015/12/20
- 2016:2015/12/21~2016/12/18
- 2017:2016/12/19~2017/12/17
- 2018:2017/12/18~2018/12/16
- 2019:2018/12/17~2019/12/15
- 2020:2019/12/16~2020/12/13
- 2021:2020/12/14~2021/12/12
- 2022:2021/12/13~2022/12/11
- 2023:2022/12/12~2023/12/10
- Obsevation results of Supersites
Observation results of ALOS-2 Supersites (from observation start date to present : 2014/8/4~2023/12/10) are summarized in the KML files for each observation sites.
- World priority disaster prevention
- Asia-RiCE/SAFE Project Supersites and JECAM Supersites
- JJ-FAST Supersites
- K&C(Kyoto & Carbon Initiative) Supersites
- -Research Announcement on the Earth Observations: EO-RA3- PI Supersites (Starts in 2022)
- Volcano Supersites