Annual observation results

Annual observation results

The global observations of SM3 (StripMap 10m) and W2 (ScanSAR) are continuously conducted every year as the Basic Observation Scenario. The following annual observation results of SM3 and W2 are summarized in the KML files.

Target period

The reason why the start/end dates of the target period are slightly different among these 10 years is that we have selected the target period according to the ALOS-2 Cycle.

Details of annual observation results


ALOS-2 annual observation results show the number of observations for each scene during the target periods as above. The results are summarized in the KML and JPEG format for each observation mode/beam respectively.

Observation Mode

SM3(StripMap 10m)and W2(ScanSAR) are included.

Information stored in KML files

The following table shows the contents of KML files.

1Path number001~207
2Frame number0000~7190
3Number of observations1~Over 20
4Beam numberEx.) F2-5
5Orbit directionA:Ascending
6Observation directionR:Right looking
L:Left looking

Beam Number

The following table shows the relationship between the beam number and observation mode/off-nadir angle.

Beam NumberObservation modeOff-nadir angle (deg)
(StripMap 10m)
W2ScanSAR 34.9

Definition of KML file name

The definitions of KML file name are as follows;

•SM3(StripMap 10m)
{Beam Number}_{A/D※1}_{R/L※2}_
  {Date of the first observation}_{Date of the last observation}.kml

{Beam Number}_{A/D※1}_{R/L※2}_{Poralization}_
  {Date of the first observation}_{Date of the last observation}.kml


R:Right looking
L:Left looking

Legend of color

The legend below shows the relationship between the color in the KML files and the number of observations.