Research & Meetings
Details and schedule - The 2nd ALOS PI Workshop and Final Meeting of the JERS-1 RI Program
- Date : January 19 - 23, 2004 (Mon. - Fri.)
- Venue : Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Centre
- Announcement
- details and schedule
- Registration form (pdf)
- meeting program
Meeting Venue: Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Centre
- Address: 1 Yumebutai, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan
- Access to Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Centre.
(PDF file, MS-Word file)
Please fill the registration form and send it to the secretariat by e-mail or fax by Friday 31 Octber 2003. The FAX format (pdf) can be obtained here.
If you did the pre-registration and have no changes, please notify it by e-mail or FAX to the workshop and Meeting Secretariat.
Abstracts / Papers
- For ALOS PIs
- ALOS PIs attending the workshop are to be required abstract submission of their presentation. Submission deadline is Friday 31 October 2003.
- -Abstracts must be up to one-half page in length.
- -Do not include formulas, tables or drawings in the abstract.
- -Paper title
- -Session name
- -Name of contact auther
- -Name of PI in case contact auther is co-investigator
- -Organization(s)
- For JERS-PIs
- All JERS-1 PIs have been requested to submit their final research reports whatever they are attending the meeting or not. Please submit your final research report as soon as possible in case you have not yet.
Important Dates
- ASAP: Submission of JERS-1 Final Research Report
- 20 June, 2003: Deadline for pre-registration of ALOS Workshop and JERS-1 Meeting
- 10 October, 2003: 2nd announcement
- 31 October, 2003: Deadline for submission of ALOS PI abstract (PIs attending workshop only)
Deadline for registration - 19 - 23 January, 2004: The 2nd ALOS PI Workshop and Final Meeting of the JERS-1 RI Program (Final programme will be released at the venue)
- 20 February, 2004: Deadline for submission of full paper (ALL ALOS)
- First quarter of JFY 2004: Publication of ALOS Workshop Proceedings
- - SAR Calibration & Validation
- - Optical Image & Processing
- - Land Use & Land Cover
- - Geology
- - Geography
- - Disaster Management
- - Agriculture
- - Vegetation Mapping, Forest & Wetlands
- - Sea Ice & Glacier
- - Hydrology & Water Resources
- - Ocean
Entry Visa
If you need the necessary documents from JAXA to apply a entry visa to Japan, please contact the workshop and Meeting Secretariat as soon as possible.
Accommodation will be available at the Westin Awaji Island Resort & Conference Center. The hotel will offer special conference rates, e.g. JPY 11,970(single room without breakfast, including tax), JPY13,860(single room with breakfast, including tax).
Reservations must be done by individuals by 19 December 2003, indicating you are attending the 2nd ALOS PI Workshop and Final Meeting of the JERS-1 RI Program (ALOS & JERS-1 Meeting). Please ask the hotel in details, and please note that a limited number of the room is available at this hotel and beyond this number your reservation may be transferred to another hotel.
The Westin Awaji Island Resort & Conference Center
Latest Information
Information on the updated programme will be uploaded on this web site.
Workshop and Meeting Organizer
Dr. Masanobu Shimada
Project Manager
ALOS / JERS-1 Science and Application Project
Earth Observation Research and Application Center(EORC)
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Point of Contact
- Workshop and Meeting Secretariat
- K. Ohta / T. Yoshizawa
- Earth Observation Research and Application Center(EORC)
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Tel: +81-3-6221-9015/9031, Fax: +81-3-6221-9191
- e-mail: