Research & Meetings

16th Science Team meeting - Announcement

October 17 (Mon.), 2011
JAXA TKSC, Tsukuba pdf file
9:35 Bus from Tsukuba station
9:40 Bus from Hotel Okura Frontier Ephocal to JAXA TKSC
10:00-10:15 Welcome (Masanobu Shimada, JAXA)
10:15-11:30 Background for new Science Team members
·The ALOS Kyoto & Carbon Initiative - Ake Rosenqvist, K&C coordinator
·The ALOS PALSAR mission (obituary) - Masanobu Shimada, JAXA
·The PALSAR Systematic Observation Strategy - Ake Rosenqvist
·The ALOS-2 mission - system characteristics and development status - M. Shimada
11:30-12:00 Launching K&C Phase 3 (Ake Rosenqvist)
12:00-13:00 LUNCH
13:00-15:00 Tour of JAXA Tsukuba Space Center - Visit to the satellite test facilities and view of the Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) satellite
15:15-17:00 Science Team plans for Phase-3 (20+5 minutes)
·Australian R&D Support to Global Forest and AGB Mapping - Richard Lucas (Aberystwyth Univ./Wales)
·Mapping the Public Forests in Brazil - Humberto de Mesquita Jr. (FSB/Brazil)
·Mapping inundation with ALOS ScanSAR data - Bruce Chapman (JPL/USA)
~17:00 Bus from JAXA to Tsukuba station and Hotel Okura Ephocal
October 18 (Tue.), 2011
JAXA TKSC, Tsukuba pdf file
9:35 Bus from Tsukuba station
9:40 Bus from Hotel Okura Frontier Ephocal to JAXA TKSC
10:00-12:15 Science Team plans for Phase-3 (20+5 minutes)
·Climate-relevant Modernization of the National Forest Policy and Piloting of REDD Measures in the Philippines - Francisco Tavora (GIZ/Germany)
·Measuring Effective Conservation in The Northern Andes and South Central America Conservation Program - Jorge León Sarimento (TNC/Colombia)
·Developing the best independent PALSAR based MRV system for REDD+ in Sumatra, Indonesia - Yumiko Uryu (WWF-Indonesia)
·Forest Resources Mapping and Monitoring in Kenya - Kei Suzuki (JAFTA/Japan) for Kenya Forest Service
12:15-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-14:30 PALSAR data distribution procedures
·Full resolution data through AUIG (A. Rosenqvist for Order Desk)
·EORC product transfer / FTP accounts (Takashi Ogawa, RESTEC)
14:30-16:15 Science Team plans for Phase-3 - R&D session (20+5 minutes)
·Forest Degradation and Change Monitoring in the Tropical Zone - Yrjö Rauste (VTT/Finland)
·Advances in forestry applications in Sweden using ALOS PALSAR imagery - Johan Fransson (SLU/Sweden)
·Combined Use of SAR, InSAR and Lidar for Measuring Forest Biomass and Structure in the Northeastern United States - Bruce Chapman (JPL) for Paul Siqueira (Univ. Mass/USA)
·ALOS-PALSAR & TanDEM-X for Forest Disturbance & Degradation Mapping - Florian Kugler for Kostas Papathanassiou (DLR/Germany)
16:15- Forest Theme issues - Open floor discussion (All)
~17:00 Bus from JAXA to Tsukuba station. Joint transfer by train to Tokyo.
October 19 (Wed), 2011
RESTEC HQ / Roppongi, Tokyo pdf file
10:00-11:15 JAXA EORC global mosaic and forest mapping activities (Masanobu Shimada)

·ALOS PALSAR and JERS-1 SAR 25m resolution global mosaics (technical specs, data formats etc.)

·Global forest cover and biomass mapping effort - 2010 results

11:15-12:00 Forest Theme Project issues
12:00-13:30 LUNCH
14:00-14:30 Science Team plans for Phase-3 (20+5 minutes)
·JAXA forest mapping activities in Indonesia - Masanobu Shimada and EORC Team (JAXA)
14:30-16:00 Individual agreement discussions JAXA-science team memebers
16:00- Science Team plans for Phase-3 (20+5 minutes)
·Collaborative research for forest carbon tracking in Sumatra - Orbita Roswintiarti (LAPAN/Indonesia)
·Wide area forest monitoring in Insular SE Asia and Guiana Shield - Dirk Hoekman (Univ. Wageningen/The Netherlands)
·Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Stock Mapping and Changes Monitoring in the Forest of Peninsular Malaysia Using L-Band ALOS PALSAR and JERS-1 - Khali Hamzah (FRIM/Malaysia)
~17:30 Adjourn
18:00-20:00 Reception dinner (2,000 yen/person)
Venue: Shuraku Shunsai no Ie
October 20 (Thu), 2011
RESTEC HQ / Roppongi, Tokyo pdf file
10:00-12:00 Science Team plans for Phase-3 - Wetlands
·Wetlands in the Nile and Zambezi Basins - Lisa Rebelo (IWMI/Ethiopia)
·Application of PALSAR for regional assessments of forest disturbance, agriculture and wetland habitats - William Salas (AGS/USA)
·Mapping Global Wetlands and Boreal Freeze/Thaw with ALOS PALSAR - Kyle McDonald (CCNY/USA)
·The use of ALOS imagery to investigate the carbon dynamics of the Amazon river system - Bruce Forsberg (INPA/Brazil)
12:00-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-15:00 Science Team plans for Phase-3 - (20+5 minutes)
·Mangrove monitoring by ALOS PALSAR - Richard Lucas (Aberystwyth Univ./Wales)
·Mangrove extent, change and structure in Africa and the Americas - Marc Simard (JPL/USA) for Lola Fatoyinbo (NASA-GSFC/USA)
·Assessment of the USGS Global Mangrove dataset (Richard Lucas)
15:00- Wetland Theme Project issues
·Ground truth data sharing
·Methodology issues
·Ramsar Convention events
·Meeting Wrap-up & Action Items
~17:30 Adjourn
October 21 (Fri), 2011
RESTEC HQ / Roppongi, Tokyo PDF File
The K&C Global Mangrove Watch - the way forward
Special Work Session (open participation)
Time: 10:00-13:00
·Establishment of "K&C Global Mangrove Watch team"
·Discussions on technical/practical issues
·Development of a draft work plan
Participants: Interested K&C members and observers wishing to contribute to the K&C Global Mangrove Watch effort
ALOS K&C 16th Science Advisory Panel / Science Team Meeting Participants