JAXA Today's Earth Apr., 2020 30th
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Earth Observation Research Center
Today's Earth (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") provides the simulation data of MATSIRO and CaMa-Flood by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Earth Observation Research Center (EORC) and Institute of Industrial Science The University of Tokyo, in free of charge.
"Terms of Use of Research Data" (https://earth.jaxa.jp/policy/en.html) is applicable to the Service. Please refer to the following example for indication of the credit of the Service.
The Today's Earth Research and Development Group is collecting the related literature and use cases. It would be very appreciated if you could send related information to the Today’s Earth Research and Development Group. Especially for commercial use, you need to contact the Group in advance.
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For details, refer to "Consent form for handling personal information based on GDPR" and "JAXA Privacy Policy".
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In addition, JAXA employs other companies to perform functions on our behalf. The functions include the system management, user management, and the >Water Cycle & Water Resource Management Research Group operation.
They may access to personal information to perform the functions, but may not use it for other purposes.
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The copyrights of the standard products and other materials provided in the Service are the property of JAXA. Please use them in compliance with the conditions stipulated in "Terms of Use of Research Data" (https://earth.jaxa.jp/policy/en.html).
If there are any concerns or questions about the Service, please contact us at the following links or send an email to .