
Global precipitation datasets

IPWG facilitates the use of precipitation data by maintaining directories of precipitation data sets that are publicly available, quasi-operational, and quasi-global. As such, the data sets in these listings are mostly based on satellite data, with additional input from surface precipitation gauges. Where warranted, more limited data sets are also included in these listings. To help users navigate through the various combinations and applications of input data sources, the directories are broken out by dominant input data types:

TABLE 1: Combination datasets with gauge data Data sets that are produced by combining input data from several sensor types, including satellite sensors and precipitation gauges.
TABLE 2: Satellite combination datasets Data sets that are produced by combining input data from several satellite sensor types.
TABLE 3: Single-source datasets Data sets from a single satellite sensor type.
TABLE 4: Precipitation gauge analyses Data sets from precipitation gauge data.

The goal is to provide the user with a basic listing of the data sets' characteristics to facilitate a quick comparison, together with a URL (preferably) or an e-mail address to access the data. Most novice users are likely to best be served by the data sets in Table 1, although if near-real-time access is important, those data sets are found in Table 2.
Users and developers are urged to note corrections and omissions and forward the information to Dr. George J. Huffman,

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