1. Paramter list
- About data:
Data summary:
Total storage capacity of each LNG base at July, 2017[kL]. -
Data summary:
Reference URL:
Investors guide of Tokyo Gas
http://www.tokyo-gas.co.jp/IR/library/pdf/investor/ig1725.pdf -
General gas provider supply area map
Investors guide of Tokyo Gas
Thermal power plant
- About data:
Data summary:
Power-generating capacity of each thermal power plants[MW]. -
Data summary:
Reference URL:
Map and Ranking list of thermal power plants of Japan (Electrical Japan)
Map and Ranking list of thermal power plants of Japan (Electrical Japan)
Sewage plant
- Data summary:
Maximum capacity of sewage disposal on a sunny day [m^3/day]Maximum capacity of sewage disposal on a rainy day [m^3/day] -
Reference URL:
Land numeral information download service
Land numeral information download service
Population density
- Data summary:
Population density at concentrated district from 1960 to 2000, every 5 years. [people/km^2] -
Reference URL:
National Land numeral information download service
National Land numeral information download service
General waste disposal facility
- Data summary:
Disposal ability [t/day] or [kL/day]:
Disposal ability [t/day] or [kL/day]:
Reference URL:
National Land numeral information download service
National Land numeral information download service
East Asian Air Pollutant Emissions Grid Database (EAGrid2010)
- Data summary:
Atmospheric emissions inventory of air pollutant (CO, CO2, NMVOC, NH3, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, SO2), in the East Asia region, specifically targeting Japan, in the year 2010. -
- Kannari, A., Tonooka, Y., Baba, T., Murano, K.: Development of multiple-species 1 km×1 km resolution hourly basis emissions inventory for Japan, Atmospheric Environment, 41, 3428-3439 (2007)
- Updating EAGrid2000-Japan emissions inventory based on the recent emission trends, Air environment academic journal, volume 49, No.2(2014), https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/taiki/49/2/49_117/_pdf