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Observation results of flooding in Thailand by airborne SAR sensor (Pi-SAR-L: L-band-Polarimetric and interferometry-Synthetic Aperture Radar) (2)
On 24th and 27th of Sep 2011, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (hereinafter, JAXA) conducted observations of severe rain fall damage in the Kingdom of Thailand by using an airborne synthetic aperture radar (Pi-SAR-L: L-band polarimetric and interferometric synthetic aperture radar).
Thailand is currently experiencing the rainy season, and flooding has intermittently occurred since the middle of July. In addition to over 280 deaths due to the flooding, the Thai economy has experienced extensive agricultural and industrial damage.
The areas studied during these observations were the affected areas along the Chao Phraya River in the central Thai province of Chai Nat. Figure 1 shows the range of the observed area.This year, by using earth observation data from satellites and aircraft, such as ALOS L-band synthetic-aperture-radar (PALSAR), JAXA engaged in collaborative research with Thailand's GISTDA (Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency) that focused on three topics: flooding, coastal erosion monitoring, and rice yield estimation. The observations and analyses of severe rain fall damage presented herein were performed as part of the collaborative research.
JAXA plans to continue the joint research with GISTDA and utilize the findings from this project for future missions, including the Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2).