Research & Meetings

3rd Training Course for PALSAR Data Analysis - Announcement of cancellation -

We are sorry to inform you that "3rd training course for PALSAR Data Analysis" scheduled in August 6th and 7th has been canceled. For those that have already sent registration forms, we apologize for the inconvenience.

The next training course is scheduled in November, 2014 (Kyoto) and March, 2015 (Sapporo). For more information or to register for the upcoming "Training Course for PALSAR Data Analysis" please visit the following links.

Thank you and we hope for your kind consideration.

3rd Training Course for PALSAR Data Analysis: "Forest Classification"

We are pleased to inform you that JAXA Earth Observation Research Center (EORC) is organizing the bi or tri annual training courses to increase the utilization of PALSAR and PALSAR-2 data for various application fields. The topic of the 3rd training course is "forest classification".

  • Venue :  Seminar Room at Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan
  • Date :  August 6 (Wednesday) and 7 (Thursday), 2014
  • Topics :
    • Introduction on ALOS-2, PALSAR 50m mosaic dataset, and global forest/non-forest map.
    • Hands on training for forest classification and deforestation detection with JAXA's original software, "Let's SAR"

Please register using following e-mail address and enter your name/affiliation/contact in e-mail.

  • E-mail:
  • Deadline :  July 18 (Friday), 2014
  • ∗ This training course room has a 40 person limit. The first 40 registrants will be accepted.
  • Masanobu Shimada, ALOS science program
  • Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency/Earth Observation Research Center