Himawari Wild Fire product Updated Dec. 7, 2022: Add file name rule for Himawari-9 1. Description This product provides the location and the fire radiative power (FRP) of hot spots retrieved from the IR imageries obtained with the Himawari-8 satellite. The retrieval algorithm was developed at JAXA/EORC. Details on the algorithm is being prepared for publication with validation results. 2. Version : 1.00 (January 2020) 3. Algorithm : Hotspots are detected based on the normalized deviation of the 3.9 um brightness temperature from the background temperature determined from the 10.8 um brightness temperatures at surrounding 11x11 grids. FRP is determined by performing the Bi-spectral method on 2.3 um and 3.9 um data. 4. Data coverage : full disk (60N-60S, 80E-160W) 5. Spatial resolution : 0.02 x 0.02 degrees for latitude and longitude (2 km x 2 km at nadir) 6. Time resolution : 10 min. (Level 2) 7. Data : Location and the fire radiative power (FRP) 8. Format : Comma-separated values in a text format. 8-1. File name Hnn_YYYYMMDD_hhmm_L2WLFVER_FLDK.xxxxx_yyyyy.csv nn: 2-digit number of the Himawari satellite 08: Himawari-8 09: Himawari-9 YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline) MM: 2-digit month of timeline DD: 2-digit day of timeline hh: 2-digit hour of timeline mm: 2-digit minutes of timeline VER: version xxxxx: pixel number yyyyy: line number 8-2. Header Each data has two header lines which are denoted by the # at the beginning of the line. The first header line provides the acquisition time and the processed time in UTC, and the second header line provides the short names for the data in the main body. 8-3. Main body The main body provides the retrieved data listed below in a CSV format. ID Fire grid ID Date Year, Month, Day, and Time (hhmn) (UTC) Lat Latitude of the center of the grid Lon Longitude of the center of the grid Area Area of the grid (km^2) Volcano The total number of volcanos within the 3x3 grids Level Fire level (1: cold, 2: smoldering, 3: flaming) Reliability level 1: low, 3: normal, 5: high FRP Fire radiative power (Wm^-2) QF Quality flag with FRP (0: normal, 1: 3.9 um is saturated, 2: low confidence) HC Hot center of the fire cluster (denoted by ID) Note 1) The fire level is given based on the fire temperature which is determined with the Bi-spectral method; however, the fire temperature and the fraction of the fire are not provided because of insufficient validations of them. Note 2) The reliability level is given depending on the situations with the detection of the fire such as sun glint, solar angle, spatial variabilities of the brightness temperatures, and so on. Frequently detected host spots, which likely originate from economic or other human activities, will be rated as low reliability. Note 3) A fire cluster is defined by fire grids contacting to each other. The hot center (HC) of a fire cluster denotes the grid with the highest fire temperature in the cluster; which is usually different from the grid with the largest FRP. The total FRP from a fire cluster will be derived by the summation of Area*FRP for each grid in the cluster: grids with the same HC.