3rd TRMM Research Announcement

NASDA will publish the 3rd Research Announcement (RA) for Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) that launched in August 1997. The purpose of this RA is to solicit a wide range of researcher and group participation. We hope to fond creative and constructive research using remote sensing technology to understand energy and water cycles on Earth.

Term of Proposal

The TRMM RA package will be released in July 11, 2000. The deadline for submitting proposals will be in September 29, 2000.


JULY 11, 2000 Issue this research announcement
AUGUST 18, 2000 Due date for letter of intent
SEPTEMBER 29, 2000 Due date for research PROPOSAL
JANUARY 2001 Announcement of selection


Letters of Intent

All prospective proposers are strongly encouraged to submit a letter of intent in response to this announcement. Please provide the following information no later than August 18 2000 via e-mail or FAX or e-mail to TRMM RA Office.

  1. PI and CI names and addresses
  2. Title of proposal
  3. Telephone number
  4. Fax number
  5. Email address
  6. Brief summary of your proposal

Contact Information

TRMM Analysis and Research Office

Mr. Toshihiro Katsumata
Ms. Kayo Ueji

TRMM RA Office

 Mr. Shinji Tanaka

Earth Observation Research Center (EORC)
National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA)
14F Roppongi First Building
9-9 1 chome, Roppongi, Minatoku, Tokyo 106-0032
Phone: +81-3-3224-7083
Fax: +81-3-3224-7051
e-mail: trmmcnt@eorc.jaxa.jp


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