EarthCARE Standard Product Data User Registration
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EarthCARE Product Terms of Use

Terms of Use for EarthCARE Product is established in accordance with JAXA Space Technology Directorate I policies on data distribution and agreements with cooperating organizations (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)/European Space Agency (ESA)) in EarthCARE.

This Terms of Use states requirments and conditions for people to use the EarthCARE Product. JAXA Site Policy is also subjected to a matter which is not specified in this Terms of Use.

  1. Modifications
    JAXA reserves a right to modify any part or all of JAXA’s EarthCARE data dissemination system including this Terms of Use with or without notice at any time in the future. Modifications will be posted at this site. It is the responsibility of the user to remain informed of any modifications at all times, as the user is bound by the latest version of the Terms of Use.
  2. Condition for Use of EarthCARE Product
    1. The users are entitled to use the EarthCARE Product free of charge without any restrictions (including commercial use) except for citation of credit for the data provider.
    2. credit for Data Provider
      The user shall indicate proper credit as defined in the attached TABLE, when the user publishes analyzed results from the EarthCARE Product.

    Example of Credit

    • ① CPR L1: “JAXA/NICT” or “Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency/National Institute of Information and Communications Technology”
    • ② ESA L1: “ESA” or “European Space Agency”
    • ③ JAXA L2: “JAXA/ESA”, “ESA/JAXA”, “Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency / European Space Agency ” or “European Space Agency / Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency”
    • ④ ESA L2: “ESA/JAXA”, “JAXA/ESA”, “European Space Agency / Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency” or “Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency / European Space Agency”

    Example of Credit for Value-added Product

    When the user publishes value-added data products generated from the EarthCARE Product, the user shall indicate the credit of the original EarthCARE Product.
    "Original data for this value-added product was provided by JAXA/NICT/ESA."
    Table: Credit of the EarthCARE Product
    Data name Credit
  3. Data Use Based on Contract/Joint Research
    Terms and Conditions of any contract/joint research agreement with JAXA supersede this Terms of Use. If you use the EarthCARE Product under the contract/joint research agreement, please follow the associated terms and conditions.
  4. DOI(Digital Object Identifier) Citation
    JAXA has assigned DOI numbers for standard products provided by JAXA’s EarthCARE data dissemination system since FY2022. (Except for part of products including near real-time products.) If you use the products on your report or academic journal etc., please cite the DOI numbers by checking the associated numbers with the web site described below.
  5. Disclaimer/Limitation on Liability
    JAXA does not represent or warrant that the use of JAXA’s EarthCARE data dissemination system is safe or that the contents of the system are free of any harmful components. The data and information included in or available through the system may include inaccuracies or errors. JAXA does not represent or warrant that the data and information provided by the system, the use or the results of the use of the system data will be correct, accurate, timely, or otherwise reliable. JAXA provides the system "as is" without warranty of any kind, and hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to the system, makes no representations about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness, and accuracy of the system for any purpose. JAXA is not reliable for any damages or loss arising out of or in any way connected with the use or performance of the system, with the delay or inability to use the system, the provision of or failure to provide the system, The data or any information, products and related materials obtained through the system, or otherwise arising out of or in any way connected with the use or the results of the use of data or any information, products or any related materials obtained through the system. JAXA may make change to the data and information provided by the system at any time. JAXA reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the system (or any part thereof) with or without notice. The user agrees that JAXA shall not be liable to the user or to any third party for any modification, suspension, or discontinuance of the system.

    User account and password are managed and used under the responsibility of user. JAXA is not responsible to you for any loss or damage or due to any other cause beyond the control of JAXA that may be caused by misuse of user account and password by another person.
  6. Termination of Use
    When a user conducts any use in violation of this Terms of Use or JAXA Site Policy/Terms of Use or gives overloads to the system by acquiring a large amount of data with malicious intent, JAXA suspends the user's use.
  7. Cooperation for Submission of Results
    JAXA is collecting results (papers, theses, reports, etc.) of use of the EarthCARE Product. If you have the results, please mail/e-mail a copy of the results to JAXA EarthCARE Support Desk listed below. Your cooperation would be much appreciated.
  8. JAXA EarthCARE Support Desk
    If you have any questions about the EarthCARE Product, please contact to JAXA EarthCARE Support Desk.
    Address: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Tsukuba Space Center, 2-1-1 Sengen, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-8505, Japan
    E-mail : Z-EARTHCARE_CNT[*]
    (Note) Please change [*] to @ .
  9. Protection of Personal Information & Handling of Personal Information
    JAXA handles the personal information such as names and e-mail addresses in accordance with the Code and other laws and regulations regarding personal information including GDPR and JAXA's rules on protection of personal information.
    For details, refer to "Consent form for handling personal information based on GDPR" and "JAXA Privacy Policy".

    JAXA doesn't use registered personal information except for the following purposes:
    • Statistic and analysis of data use
    • Questionnaire surveys to users for improvement of the Service
    • Response to inquiries from users
    In addition, JAXA employs other companies to perform functions on our behalf. The functions include the system management, user management, and Help Desk operation.
    They may access to personal information to perform the functions, but may not use it for other purposes.

User Registration

After contents confirmation, user ID and a password are transmitted to e-mail address registered by the person in charge.

  • Step 1.
  • Step 2.
    Input Check
  • Step 3.
    E-mail Check
  • Step 4.

1. Name:
2. E-Mail:
3. Type of afflication:
4. Organization/Affiliation
(without abbreviation):
5. Country:
6. Category of data usage:
7. Field of interests:
(Mark all that apply)
8. Purpose:
Do you agree to the Terms of Service?