PALSAR 500m Browse Mosaic product for cycle 18 (Mar. 9 ~ Apr. 23, 2008) has been released at K&C Mosaic Homepage. Mosaic continents for this release are Africa, Antarctica, Europe, Greenland, South America, Asia, Siberia and Australia. Fig. 1 shows the Asia including Japan and Fig. 2 is the Europe that is eastern next to the Asia. Blanc paths in the mosaic image mean not have been observed in this cycle but will be observed in future observation cycle.
Fig. 1: PALSAR 500m Browse Mosaic (Asia including Japan) for cycle 18 (Mar. 9 ~ Apr. 23, 2008)
(Click to View Enlarged Image)
Fig. 2: PALSAR 500m Browse Mosaic (Europe) for cycle 18 (Mar. 9 ~ Apr. 23, 2008)
(Click to View Enlarged Image)
PALSAR mosaic products will be generated in EORC as the data will be observed and released at K&C Mosaic Homepage.