obstime : Observation time (UTC) dettime : Processing time (UTC) sat : Name of satellite algo : Name of Algorithm okm : Filename of HIMAWARII L1 dataset sampl : sample number of a fire pixel line : line number of a fire pixel lon : longitude of fire pixel [degree] lat : latitude of fire pixel [degree] viewzenang: Satellite viewing angle [degree] viewazang : Satellite azimath angle [degree] pixwid : Fire pixel width (Along Track) [km] pixlen : Fire pixel length (Cross Track) [km] t07 : Brightness temperature of Band 07 [K] t14 : Brightness temperature of Band 14 [K] t07_t14 : Brightness temperature difference as B21-B31 [K] meant07 : Average brightness temperature of B07 [K] meant14 : Average brightness temperature of B14 [K] meandt : Average brightness temperature difference [K] sdt07 : Standard deviation of brightness temp. of B07 [K] sdt14 : Standard deviation of brightness temp. of B14 [K] sddt : Standard deviation of brightness temp. diff. [K] ref3 : Refrectance of B03 ref4 : Refrectance of B04 fire_idx : Fire index fire : Fire pixel (fire : 1, non-fire : 0) test1_6 : Result of fire detection criteria pixel : Shape of nominal fire pixel as WKT format in EPSG:4326