Asia and Oceania Area of PALSAR 50m Orthorectified Mosaic Product

Asia and Oceania Area of PALSAR 50m Orthorectified Mosaic product for 2008, has been released at K&C Mosaic Homepage. Mosaic continents for this release are Borneo, New Guinea, Solomon, Sulawesi and Sumatra.
Fig. 1 shows the color Mosaic of Asia and Oceania Area.

The color Mosaic of Asia and Oceania Area (PALSAR 50m Orthorectified Mosaic product for 2008).

Sensor: PALSAR
Orbit: RSP 335-454
Obs.Date: Jul/Oct, 2008
Mode: FBD 34.3[deg] (R:HH, G:HV, B:HH/HV)
Pixel Spacing: 50[m]
Map Projection: EQR

Fig. 1: The color Mosaic of Asia and Oceania Area (PALSAR 50m Orthorectified Mosaic product for 2008)
(Click to View Enlarged Image)

PALSAR mosaic products will be generated by JAXA/EORC as the data will be observed and released at K&C Mosaic Homepage.


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